" A complex of several park, forget the name of them. Each park has one theme. One of the most well-known is "Glass Bridge". It's not a full glass bridge crossing Cisadand River, but only a few meters long, in the middle of a closed bridge, placed on the left and right side of the bridge. If you are not afraid, just try take a photo above it. Other than that, there's a lot of food stalls which make the area quite crowded and maybe a little bit dirty. No entrance ticket, you only have to pay the parking ticket. "
02 April 2018
Ton Boys
" Click "
01 March 2018
Fuji Astuti
" Udaranya cukup sejuk kalau pagi hari cocok buat lari pagi "
25 September 2017
Ary Supratman
" Tempat atau taman serta kali Cisadane memang terlihat indah dan menarik mulai dari kebersihannya.. Dan tatak Rama sopan penduduknya.. "
08 September 2017
Mohamad Rival Suheri
" Nothing special about it, but I rated it 5 stars "
27 August 2017
Tri Mo
" Tempat yg indah buat santai2 sama keluarga atau temen "
28 July 2017
Dwi Wulandari
" Perfect place "
21 June 2017
Indra Yudha
" Pas buat ngabuburit "
06 June 2017
Gust Anak Mami
" Seru & asik.. "
29 May 2017
Winda Sokenda Winds
" Ada taman bermain anak,sejuk,cuma sungai nya masih banyak sampah... "
27 February 2017
Yusuf Rosandi
" Asyik buat nyantai "
19 February 2017
ASEP Jaloe
" Daerah/lokasi. tempat tinggal, tak jauh dr daerah ini. "
Sabiqun Nahar
" A complex of several park, forget the name of them. Each park has one theme. One of the most well-known is "Glass Bridge". It's not a full glass bridge crossing Cisadand River, but only a few meters long, in the middle of a closed bridge, placed on the left and right side of the bridge. If you are not afraid, just try take a photo above it. Other than that, there's a lot of food stalls which make the area quite crowded and maybe a little bit dirty. No entrance ticket, you only have to pay the parking ticket. "
02 April 2018Ton Boys
" Click "
01 March 2018Fuji Astuti
" Udaranya cukup sejuk kalau pagi hari cocok buat lari pagi "
25 September 2017Ary Supratman
" Tempat atau taman serta kali Cisadane memang terlihat indah dan menarik mulai dari kebersihannya.. Dan tatak Rama sopan penduduknya.. "
08 September 2017Mohamad Rival Suheri
" Nothing special about it, but I rated it 5 stars "
27 August 2017Tri Mo
" Tempat yg indah buat santai2 sama keluarga atau temen "
28 July 2017Dwi Wulandari
" Perfect place "
21 June 2017Indra Yudha
" Pas buat ngabuburit "
06 June 2017Gust Anak Mami
" Seru & asik.. "
29 May 2017Winda Sokenda Winds
" Ada taman bermain anak,sejuk,cuma sungai nya masih banyak sampah... "
27 February 2017Yusuf Rosandi
" Asyik buat nyantai "
19 February 2017ASEP Jaloe
" Daerah/lokasi. tempat tinggal, tak jauh dr daerah ini. "
18 January 2017Abdul Karim
" Rame... Seru... "
25 December 2016Miftah Udin
" Fun !! "
15 December 2016Bonny Useful
" Nongkrong pagi pagi sambil ngopi kerasa adem. "
24 August 2016