About Taman Kota 3 BSD
Taman Kota 3 BSD is a park, located at Sampora, Cisauk, Tangerang, Banten 15345, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 811-114-112 for more detailed information.
Taman Kota 3 BSD is a park, located at Sampora, Cisauk, Tangerang, Banten 15345, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 811-114-112 for more detailed information.
" Nice place... "
29 April 2018Eva Ardyantha
" Baru tau ternyata dsini ada taman, tempatnya msh sepi. Lumayan buat belajar mobil hehe "
24 April 2018Nurul Bintang Noviani
" Cocok utk jalan2 sore brsama org trsayang, wlpn mmg pohonan ny masih sedikit tp lmyn lah "
09 January 2018Dwison Toga
" Located beneath high tension line & nothing special to see, this public area still good to relax. There are only few trees to shade on at the sunny day. It need time to grow up. No public toilet around. "
16 September 2017Saevoel Taufik
" Asyik buat nyenengin buah hati... Tp sementara ini masih sedikit pohon2 nya.. sehingga kalau siang terasa panas bgt "
13 September 2017Ivone Yin
" Looking for more different here😀 "
13 August 2017Joshua Joshua
" Bagus tamannya "
01 July 2017Dimas Ramadhan
" nyaman. asri "
19 June 2017Dwison Toga
" Nice place to relax. The trees are need time to growing up. No parking lot here. You can park your car on the road side. "
04 June 2017Dwison Toga
" Nice to place to relax. The trees are need time to growing up. "
14 April 2017Amma Syam
" Masih dalam pengembangan "
04 April 2017Andre Prima
" Tempat yang teduh... Pas buat nongkrong bersama teman... "
29 March 2017Hendi Irwanto
" Saatnya berlibur ke taman "
08 February 2017Mas Lanang
" pameran "
05 February 2017Pahri Saipul
" Lets skate , "
26 January 2017Yulianti Muzani
" Good place to play extreme games "
01 January 2017Adi Putera Widjaja
" Udaranya segar. "
28 July 2016