Sport Club Serang City
About Sport Club Serang City
Sport Club Serang City is located at Drangong, Taktakan, Serang City, Banten 42162, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 857-1318-7277, visit their website for more detailed information.
Fazri Esa
" good place for relaxing "
06 March 2020Lisa Muhlisa
" Nice 👌 "
23 November 2019Arwin Setio Hutomo
" I swam on sunday and it felt like swimming in the private pool! There are a lot of people there but you still could enjoy your swimming activities. The entrance ticket was also very affordable in its class. And surprisingly, the facilities were well-maintained. The water on its pool was also good. But, the children swimming pool was on maintenance so only the main swimming pool which has 1,2 m until 1,4 m depth was functioned. I think, this place was one of choices for those who like swimming at a calm area and who like to practice swimming. "
15 September 2019Ferry Sugiharto
" Clean, cozy but the pool should be bigger. "
10 May 2019Ferry Sugiharto
" Clean, cozy but the pool should be bigger. "
10 May 2019Didy Mahendra
" Convenient location but need more touches "
12 February 2019Yosep Hidayat
" good place for swimming "
09 February 2019Yosep Hidayat
" good place for swimming "
09 February 2019Fajar Hayyin
" kursus renang buat anak, disini tempatnya "
01 December 2018Rico Sahadi
" Good place for funny with family "
04 November 2018Kristina Flarianti
" Cozy place, small swimming pool but nice, clean "
19 September 2018Nuni Yuniawati
" Pool is too small, but fine for kids "
27 July 2018Yosz McNaga
" Swim in the morning as the water just fresh "
16 July 2018Samsul Hidayat
" Tempatnya nyaman buat berenang bareng keluarga or pacar ( bagi yg gak jomblo😂) "
25 February 2018GUN GUN GUNADI
" Enjoy "
09 February 2018Rafael Ezra
" If you want to swimm without crowded? Go there "
27 January 2018Sarah Ayu
" Kolam renang rumahan yg homy, meskipun kecil, nyaman dan adem. Sabtu minggu dan hari libur tidak disarankan ke sini krn rame banget hehe, kalo mau renang santai mending weekday. Kolam renang ada 2 , satu untuk anak, dan satu untuk dewasa "
26 December 2017Om Jero
" Cocok utk belajar renang krn banyak pelatihnya. Di sarankan pake kacamata krn kaporitnya sangat tinggi shg pedas dimata "
19 November 2017Nadya Nurul Hidayah
" Kolam renangnya nyaman dan perlengkapan disana modern meskipun kolamnya cuma ada 2. 1 khusus dewasa dan 1 untuk anak. Saat sepi seperti kolam renang pribadi 😍 "
11 November 2017Meilita Nur Alifa Muhendar
" Harga berenang yg tadinya 10rb skrng jadi 25rb tanpa ada penambahan fasilitas, selain itu suasananya jadi tidak teduh lg, kamar mandi tolong lbh d perhatikan "
06 November 2017Yuni Aditya
" Tempatnya enak adem walaupun kolam renangnya ada 1 . Semoga bisa ditambah lagi kolam renang lagi kedepannya "
08 October 2017Ria Yulia
" Bersih dan Nyaman... Exclusive sports center "
26 September 2017Aldi Gozali
" The pool is too small. Will be worse when it comes to the crowds. "
30 July 2017Rega Giya
" aduuh "
04 June 2017Yeti Kusmayanti
" Nyaman "
25 May 2017Ricky Gerungan
" Nice place to hang out "
14 April 2015