About Rumah Sakit Aminah
Rumah Sakit Aminah is a hospital, located at Jl. Hos Cokroaminoto No.4A, Kreo Selatan, Larangan, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15156, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 7371919, visit their website rsaminah.com for more detailed information.
M. T. Pahlevi
" Quite complete medical service, clean, affordable, and there's dyalisis service
03 November 2017Please keep up the good work! "
Tunggul Prayoga
" the location was Different on the map and the reality
15 October 2017I am online driver,, and it take some 10 minutes to the real location "
LuckyGuy 354
" Bagus, tapi kalau kritis mendingan jangan ke sini. Bukan dibantu, malah dimarahin "
22 September 2017M. T. Pahlevi
" Quite complete medical service, clean, affordable, and there's dyalisis service "
19 September 2017Putri Chadijah
" Quite and big. "
06 September 2017Amira Diana
" Good service!!! this is VIP class (1st floor, incl refrigarator, sofa, clean bathroom,etc) for my dad. every morning, i think the nurse and doc always praying for my dad, Maybe it is their routinity. Me and family, so satisfied!
02 August 2017But my advice, maybe u can add some lift for get the scnd floor or more. thanks "
Widya Hantini
" Good "
14 April 2017MadFahmi MTsN27
" Pelayananya cepat & bagus ga nyampe sejam sy sdh ada diruang perawatan pdhl pake bpjs...kamar sesuai dgn kelas .pokoknya bgs dech..petugas& dokternya jg ramah2 "
27 January 2017Erlin Rosliana
" good ! "
15 June 2016Widi Lestari
" Rumah sakit dengan biaya terjangkau, edukasi dr dokter saat konsultasi memuaskan, berkunjung ke RS Aminah aja :) "
03 December 2015Komar Tri
" Good "
30 June 2015Verawaty Fratiwi
" Right! "
26 October 2014Andi Sahputra
" Good hospital "
17 May 2013Rahmat Li
" Capcin aminah "
25 April 2013