About RSU Kabupaten Tangerang
RSU Kabupaten Tangerang is a hospital, located at Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia. Visit their website www.rsud-tangerangkab.id, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Rumah Sakit Umum Kabupaten Tangerang ditetapkan berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direktur Nomor : 250/131.1/V/1983 yaitu tanggal 5 Mei 1964 sebagai Hari Jadi Rumah Sakit Umum Tangerang yang ditandai dengan digunakannya Rumah Sakit yang berlokasi di Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani No. 9 Kota Tangerang.
Hendra Legawa
" Good looking "
16 September 2020Shiny 345
" Some nurses are a-OK service, some are good, but not a few are giving bad services, too. Even doctors are insulting their own patients while treating them, which, should not happen.
10 March 2020The IT infrastructure isn't that good, either. No Wi-Fi, bad cellular receptions (XL and Smartfren are the ones that is affected), even improper maintenance on their IT equipments, and that happened when a PC suddently shut down for the equipment were too hot, and the warning is omitted even when being displayed in public areas. "
Sandi Sadewa
" Ok "
08 March 2020Steve Heryanto
" Government health care facility "
11 January 2020Shiny 345
" Some nurses are a-OK service, some are good, but not a few are giving bad services, too. Even doctors are insulting their own patients while treating them, which, should not happen.
18 April 2019The IT infrastructure isn't that good, either. No Wi-Fi, bad cellular receptions (XL and Smartfren are the ones that is affected), even improper maintenance on their IT equipments, and that happened when a PC suddently shut down for the equipment were too hot, and the warning is omitted even when being displayed in public areas. "
Shiny 345
" Some nurses are a-OK service, some are good, but not a few are giving bad services, too. Even doctors are insulting their own patients while treating them, which, should not happen.
18 April 2019The IT infrastructure isn't that good, either. No Wi-Fi, bad cellular receptions (XL and Smartfren are the ones that is affected), even improper maintenance on their IT equipments, and that happened when a PC suddently shut down for the equipment were too hot, and the warning is omitted even when being displayed in public areas. "
Adhy Adi
" Ok "
23 October 2018Jamilah Khairani
" Lama sekali pelayanannya, urusan ambil berkas aja bisa ber jam-jam. Pelayanan tidak ramah, tidak ada pengeras suara untuk pengambilan berkasnya. Yah namanya juga rs pemerintah.. "
04 October 2018M Hendri
" Good "
28 July 2018Ipulloh
" Top "
22 April 2018Meiman Tel
" Ok "
19 December 2017Indhira Putri Pamungkas
" Hopefully the service can be improved "
04 December 2017Erlinda Erl
" Pelayanan dari poli jantung kurang ramah dan sopan santun. Kalo ada pasien yg kurang mengerti prosedur pelayanan tolong dijelaskan dengan baik dan sopan jangan marah seenaknya! Moto aja KAMI ADA UNTUK ANDA tapi sistem pelayanan kurang memuaskan!!!! "
15 November 2017Tria Febriansyah
" Medical chek up "
05 October 2017Tria Febriansyah
" Medical chek up "
04 October 2017INDAH WULANDARI
" So crowded "
19 September 2017Rido Ah
" top "
06 September 2017Novia Ningsih
" Nicr "
29 August 2017Ujang Sumardi
" Good "
18 May 2017Puryomi Bocah Bagus
" Rs "
10 May 2017Dedy Van Hauten
" good service "
22 April 2017Gb Jkt
" Naik grab ajs
26 November 2016Lebih enjOy "
Riyan Yoga Sakti
" F*ck this place "
29 October 2016Arya Duta W
" Jangan sok tau, ini bukan Rs daan Mogot. Ini rumah sakit umum kabupaten tangerang (RSUD) "
12 September 2016Hery Venus
" Good service "
30 June 2016Aditia Adit
" Ok "
15 April 2016Ernest Simbolon
" Wrong Information. This is a Gas Station "
07 April 2016Pideksogentur Satriaji
" Ruang tunggu kateterisasi jantung ga memadai bgt. Minus. "
17 March 2016Afnita Lutfiyani
" Dinas disini Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta 3 "
03 May 2015Andhika Yudha
" Lumayan baik pelayanannya. Semoga terus bertambah baik lagi kedepannya. "
28 March 2015Theresia Rahayu
" parking area is not sufficient. "
29 December 2014Firdaus Ariefatosa
" Missed place. It is Rumah Sakit Daan Mogot. "
23 November 2013Mikhael Yosia
" This is Daan Mogot Hospital "
07 November 2013