Diva Coffee Lounge & Resto
About Diva Coffee Lounge & Resto
Diva Coffee Lounge & Resto is a cafe, located at Jl. KH Abdul Fatah Hasan No.24, Sumurpecung, Kec. Serang, Kota Serang, Banten 42118, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 817-9909-947 for more detailed information.
Lisa Muhlisa
" Not bad "
22 May 2019Rifki Maulana Yusuf
" good roasted coffee. nice place, had a live music with fun performers.
16 March 2019a little bit cramped but ok. "
Citra Mustika Zulya
" For the one who loves coffee, you can visit here.. A comfortable place with live music.. You can sing along or make a request for a song you wanna listen.. They have pro band there "
16 January 2019Tubagus Nurcholis
" Nice place to hang out and sing along "
23 December 2018Fajar Fachruddin
" This is a very nice place to have little cup of coffee... "
12 September 2018Muhammad Yusuf
" Free wifi "
30 April 2018Barry Selaluprima
" Good "
21 April 2018Martino Mark
" Coffe & lounge,Lokasi di Ciceri Serang belakang Carrefour, tersedia live music pada malam hari, ruang karaoke, meeting room kapasitas 25 - 40 peserta, wi-fi, bangunan 4 ruko berderet & 4 Lantai tersedia salon kecantikan & perawatan untuk pria dan wanita "
13 April 2018Andi Suhud
" Cozy place w live music "
30 January 2018Fitri Amalia
" expensive "
06 January 2018Eko Agus Priyanto
" Enak, nyaman "
05 December 2017Yoga Andika
" Diva Coffe itu oke banget tempatnya, mau yang anak muda banget ada, mau yang elegant juga ada, pokoknya jangan lupa singgah di Kota Serang yaaaaa "
02 November 2017Richard Kevin
" Good place for hangout with an affordable menus "
20 September 2017Eri Mavriyana
" Bagoooeesss buat nyantey n nongki, ada live music, karaoke, sajiannya mantap "
28 August 2017Didy Mahendra
" Food, drinks & services are what it should be, couldn't wait trying the special Ice Cream at the ground floor ... "
20 August 2017Teguh Triyatno
" Manta tempat buat nongki.. Berkesan sop iganya enak.. 😀😀 "
27 July 2017Hamid Mukhlis
" Ngopi2 dan makan malam... "
19 April 2017Yuni Aditya
" Lumayan tempatnya, tapi harganya kurang terjangkau. Fasilitas nya juga kurang, contohnya tempat karaoke nya. Sound mya kurang mumpuni "
19 April 2017Panjul Hotaim Mantap
" Temen jenuh pasti ya mh "
04 January 2017ROBI RAMLI
" tempat ngopi yg lumayan nyaman ... "
01 December 2016