" Enak banget!!!! This Is the best value for money buffet restaurant, but u cant get the view of batur lake and volcano. "
21 May 2018
Md Moin Ahamed Russel
" Nice view poin of kintamoni. Very good food with good atmosphere. "
24 April 2018
Lauryn McAiden
" Good view at balcony, and tranditional and iconic interior design. See the valley from next building. No doubt with any menu, and its all halal "
20 April 2018
Jitendra Mandalia
" Best place in this side of bali for ALL THAT YOU CAN EAT meal "
13 April 2018
Sigit Yudanto
" This place offers the view of beautiful valley. Go to the rooftop of the building beside the restaurant to get the best scene "
06 April 2018
Tirth Patel
" The location and ambiance is good.
There are varieties of food available for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians.
The moment you enter, you are welcomed and asked for the food preferences - as being vegetarian, one of the staff members came and explained all the vegetarian items we can eat there.
Due to the weather, food gets cold easily.
The active volcano site is just right there but due to cloudy and foggy warm, we could not see it. "
01 March 2018
Balvinder Singh
" Buffet Food was so, so. Given the weather, food got cold fast, the door doesn't close automatically didn't help. View of Mt Batur was blocked by another restaurant right in front. Toilets needs improvement. Many better places around, didn't know why our guide took us here, said this was the best place. Maybe he gets kick-back or commission. Hahaha "
26 February 2018
Gheral Deva
" Good food and service "
18 October 2017
Gene C
" Not the biggest of spreads for a buffet, besides Indonesian favorites like Nasi & Mie Goreng, Cap Chai & Sate, but also Beef Stroganoff which was a surprise "
20 September 2017
Amin Arjmandi
" There is a real nasty restaurant and flys are everywhere and are on the foods "
14 September 2017
Daniel Tri
" Its nice place where you want to try local food. You should try this !! "
08 August 2017
P. Rajeswara Kumar
" Menu and food is good. Toilet are very poorly maintained. "
28 July 2017
Doni Darmawan
" Nice restaurant with beautiful view and fresh air. "
27 July 2017
" 뷰는 추천하지만 음식은 다양하지 않음. 워터맬론쥬스는 구뜨! "
04 June 2017
Bambang Sugiharto
" There is a place to moslem to pray here "
23 May 2017
Ilham Kertarajasa
" Variasi makanan nya banyak dan enak, harga terjangkau, all you can eat, pelayan nya ramah dan sopan. Pemandangan nya indah "
02 May 2017
Marco ML
" Nice view but very expensive "
07 March 2017
Su Wito12
" Tempat nja sejuk masakan nja enak pelayanan memuaskan sopan . "
17 February 2017
Fadhil Primadi
" Makanannya enak, variannya banyak, pelayanannya super ramah, best customer services banget dan sejuk banget. Masih nggak bisa move on dari sate ayam yang super well cooked. Tapi hati hati bagi pengunjung, diluar resto banyak penjual asongan yang ngotot barang dagangannya harus dibeli. dont even bothered, biarkan saja, karena kita nanya harga saja, bakal dikejar terus dan bahkan terkesan maksa. dan kalau akhirnya mulai menawar, pedagang lainnya gak kalah mau nyerobot untuk diminta beli. oiya, buat foto cukup bagus, meski resto didepannya kelihatan oke banget, tapi their food is questionable karena gw belum pernah. "
A Ri Chman
" Enak banget!!!! This Is the best value for money buffet restaurant, but u cant get the view of batur lake and volcano. "
21 May 2018Md Moin Ahamed Russel
" Nice view poin of kintamoni. Very good food with good atmosphere. "
24 April 2018Lauryn McAiden
" Good view at balcony, and tranditional and iconic interior design. See the valley from next building. No doubt with any menu, and its all halal "
20 April 2018Jitendra Mandalia
" Best place in this side of bali for ALL THAT YOU CAN EAT meal "
13 April 2018Sigit Yudanto
" This place offers the view of beautiful valley. Go to the rooftop of the building beside the restaurant to get the best scene "
06 April 2018Tirth Patel
" The location and ambiance is good.
01 March 2018There are varieties of food available for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians.
The moment you enter, you are welcomed and asked for the food preferences - as being vegetarian, one of the staff members came and explained all the vegetarian items we can eat there.
Due to the weather, food gets cold easily.
The active volcano site is just right there but due to cloudy and foggy warm, we could not see it. "
Balvinder Singh
" Buffet Food was so, so. Given the weather, food got cold fast, the door doesn't close automatically didn't help. View of Mt Batur was blocked by another restaurant right in front. Toilets needs improvement. Many better places around, didn't know why our guide took us here, said this was the best place. Maybe he gets kick-back or commission. Hahaha "
26 February 2018Gheral Deva
" Good food and service "
18 October 2017Gene C
" Not the biggest of spreads for a buffet, besides Indonesian favorites like Nasi & Mie Goreng, Cap Chai & Sate, but also Beef Stroganoff which was a surprise "
20 September 2017Amin Arjmandi
" There is a real nasty restaurant and flys are everywhere and are on the foods "
14 September 2017Daniel Tri
" Its nice place where you want to try local food. You should try this !! "
08 August 2017P. Rajeswara Kumar
" Menu and food is good. Toilet are very poorly maintained. "
28 July 2017Doni Darmawan
" Nice restaurant with beautiful view and fresh air. "
27 July 2017윤동근
" 뷰는 추천하지만 음식은 다양하지 않음. 워터맬론쥬스는 구뜨! "
04 June 2017Bambang Sugiharto
" There is a place to moslem to pray here "
23 May 2017Ilham Kertarajasa
" Variasi makanan nya banyak dan enak, harga terjangkau, all you can eat, pelayan nya ramah dan sopan. Pemandangan nya indah "
02 May 2017Marco ML
" Nice view but very expensive "
07 March 2017Su Wito12
" Tempat nja sejuk masakan nja enak pelayanan memuaskan sopan . "
17 February 2017Fadhil Primadi
" Makanannya enak, variannya banyak, pelayanannya super ramah, best customer services banget dan sejuk banget. Masih nggak bisa move on dari sate ayam yang super well cooked. Tapi hati hati bagi pengunjung, diluar resto banyak penjual asongan yang ngotot barang dagangannya harus dibeli. dont even bothered, biarkan saja, karena kita nanya harga saja, bakal dikejar terus dan bahkan terkesan maksa. dan kalau akhirnya mulai menawar, pedagang lainnya gak kalah mau nyerobot untuk diminta beli. oiya, buat foto cukup bagus, meski resto didepannya kelihatan oke banget, tapi their food is questionable karena gw belum pernah. "
16 February 2017