About Krisna Oleh-oleh Khas Bali-Tuban Kuta Bali
Krisna Oleh-oleh Khas Bali-Tuban Kuta Bali is a store, located at Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia 80361
Shopping Time
Dananjaya Delityan
" Good although several overpriced "
27 April 2018Justin Gomez
" One of the growing chain of Krisna one-stop-shop tourist gift emporiums.
26 October 2017A huge selection, in hypermarket style buildings. Think airport gift shop on steroids! The over pricing is what you would expect also.
Anyway, an experience. "
Andriandita Wijayanto
" Much souvenirs and Good services "
16 July 2017Made Widi Arsana
" Top. "
19 May 2017Mohammed Qabah
" Nice place for souvenir "
25 February 2017Perina Enri Lisniawan
" Nice place to eat and having fun with family. You can buy some local shirts, handicrafts, spices, enjoy balinese culinary, and playing in the same day... "
10 January 2017Gracia Carolina
" It has mini theme park now.. open at the evening, so we can go there after office hours.. "
27 November 2016Made Hendra
" It's a so-so place. Average foods, but a clean garden and nice view from the backyard. Good for groups and kids. "
25 October 2016Triningsih Kartikarini
" The one of complete shop in bali "
05 October 2016Witara Saja
" Pusat oleh oleh terbesar di Buleleng "
05 October 2016Boutique Tours
" Oleh oleh terlengkap di Bali "
08 September 2016Dedy Setijabudi
" Santai "
28 August 2016Yasdanish TheTa
" tempatnya luas jadi enak aja belanja "
08 July 2016Tutik Indra
" Sip sip "
26 June 2016Gede Ananda
" You can find all things here.. i like to shop here better than the market. The price is good but it's not the cheapest.. "
24 June 2016Yehuda Yudhistira
" One stop place to find traditional merchandise from Bali "
17 June 2016Badri Ahmad
" Ngabuburit dulu di sini "
11 June 2016Paulus Darmana
" Lumayan beragam dari yang mahal sampai yang agak murah. "
09 May 2016Bob Bali
" Krisna shopping place and the price very very low... "
07 May 2016HAFI SNP
" Lengkap "
05 April 2016De Si
" keren "
13 January 2016