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About Desa Penglipuran Bangli

Desa Penglipuran Bangli is located at Jalan Rambutan, Gang III A1, No. 6, Bangli, Kawan, Kubu, Kecamatan Bangli, Kubu, Kec. Bangli, Kabupaten Bangli, Bali 80613, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 822-6600-7575, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 46


" nice architecture, the natives are humble and hospitable. every house sell so many balinese souvenirs and traditional herb drink, it taste a bit nasty but its good for your "bird" and your digestion. the village is clean and smells good. "

05 June 2018

Janardhan BS

" The village is very unique, traditional houses are still preserved until now. The walls are made of soil, and the roof is made of bamboo.. Have a bamboo forest behind the village. Great place "

01 June 2018

Jhelam Dalvi

" A lovely well maintained small village. You will not find any pollution here. Cars are not allowed inside the village. Parking is available outside.
Once you enter the village, it's a complete different world. Mesmerising beauty and peaceful vibes.
Dragon flies flying around. The houses and the roads are clean. This place is the 3rd cleanest place in the world.
Don't forget to visit the Bamboo forest behind the village. This place is just another part in the world. "

30 May 2018

Dhimas Baskoro

" Beautiful preserved traditional of one of the old tribe in bali. Some of original structure is left in original condition, and how the orchid grown on their roofs brings the athmosphere of how was the village in the ancient time. Heard that they were famous of bamboo handicraft, but unfortunately none of them made it anymore, replaced with modern souvenirs. "

15 May 2018

Reza Azzindani Nashirudin

" Seriously a very nice place. A real village where you can still feel the nature, and I don't even think that the people here got vehicle– some might have tho.

The most unique thing here is that every house is connected, from front to back, side to side. Live in peaceful, as if no one would do bad deed, no kidding. "

14 May 2018

Lance Ong

" Very well kept tourists locatio. Illustrates Balinese households. Go into the compund of the house.. little stalls selling food and souvenirs.

Do take a cooling stroll at the bamboo forest. "

04 May 2018

Triyanto Prabowo

" The village is clean, well designed, you can take photos, but often crowded with the tourist. You can buy souvenir and traditional food from local seller, and surprisingly the price is cheaper than in the souvenir shops. in around the village you can walk in the Bamboo forest which is very nice. For the toilet you can ask local to use their toilet. This place is worth to visit, and by visiting the village we are support local to maintain original Balinese Village. "

03 May 2018

Yeremia Tera

" Letak desa pas ada di google maps, di daerah Bangli Bali. Akses jalan ke tempat ini mudah, bisa lewat ubud atau jalan ring road. Jalan sudah bagus

Saya berekspektasi desa ini akan menyuguhkan kehidupan alam dan tradisional. Ternyata, desa ini terlalu komersil, lebih banyak turis daripada warga lokalnya. Rumah-rumah warga juga disulap jadi pertokoan, ada yang menjual makanan, pernak pernik, dan lain lain. Kurang sekali menunjukan kehidupan desa adat. "

16 April 2018


" Desanya bersih, tidak ditemukan sampah berserakan gitu. Penduduknya mantap!! Welcome banget sama para pengunjung, mereka mengijinkan visitor masuk ke dalam lingkungan rumah. Uniknya itu semua rumah saling terhubung jalannya, jadi akses menelusuri nyaman. Selain rumah warga, disana ada juga hutan bambu, pura, warung-warung rumah warga, perkebunan loloh cemcem.

Loloh cemcem itu minuman asal Desa Penglipuran yang nyegerin banget, karena diolah langsung sama penduduk lokal dan dari tanaman pohon cemcem di perkebunan setempat juga.
Over all menyenangkan. "

06 April 2018

Apsari N. E. Ramadhanty

" Probably the most mesmerizing place I've visited in Bali!! The village is super clean, the neighbourhood also super peaceful. Not only clean and peaceful, this place is quiet too! Don't forget to bring your raincoat or umbrella just in case a sudden rain fall. "

03 April 2018

Massimo Provilla

" A unique traditional village. Also next to a giant bamboo forest. There's a great temple at the top of the hill. Perfect to visit with children. Can be steep ramp in sections so might not be wheelchair accessible. "

11 March 2018

Ias Naibaho

" This village is very clean even though it becomes a touristy spot. Some houses would be available to explore and they would sell some merchandises. It’s up to you to buy anything you like here, but in my own opinion it’s quite pricey. This village located quite far from Denpasar, and I would recommend to rent a car in order to reach this place "

26 February 2018

Bin Zhou

" Must visit and lovely place. It's a traditional Balinese village with lovely people. They are so friendly and helpful. You can also get food (I believe it's house number 34) which is really good and very cheap. "

02 February 2018

Natalia Adventry Rambu Kalaiju

" The good place, good view, quiet place, clean place, and enjoy your time. U can buy some souvenir "

06 December 2017

I Putu Yoga Mahendra

" Good place to visit with family, sometimes in this place have a lot of balinese ceremony and attraction, but you must google it first to see or get the schedule. Happy visit!! "

06 December 2017

Fake Dragons

" Traditional houses and bulidings, native balinese people, clean environment, a small bamboo forrest, and only for IDR 15k. "

25 November 2017

Andrew Soan

" Beautiful village! You will meet a lot of good native people here who are so friendly. Recommended! "

14 October 2017

Yenny Kartika

" Very cultural with friendly locals. You can reach here by 2-hour driving from Kuta. The entrance fee is 15K, which is fair. And no parking fee. You can walk around the village, realize how clean and well-maintained this is. The locals will welcome you and let you enter their house to take pictures. Some of them sell gifts and snacks. Temples are everywhere. Closes at 6 p.m. "

07 October 2017

Masbud Kenzie

" Nice, clean and exotic place. Friendly villager with lot of souvenir. Various flowers are plant here. "

02 October 2017

Gilbert Santana

" Nice concepts of small village and for eco tourism, the banjar (village) could add more creative signs to attract the tourist to visit the local houses and buy the product to increase the income for tourism. Today, the main attraction is a Pura and path of Bamboo. "

22 September 2017

Asri Wijayanti

" A beautiful traditional village surrounded by vast and lush bamboo forest. The locals are very hospitable. They gladly share stories about the culture of Bali Aga - the native Balinese. They also produce the refreshing loh cemcem, traditional beverage made of local leaves and herbs. "

08 September 2017

Sandika Kartika

" Well organised village. Friendly people. Many house had been renovated less natural now because they use not original what I's okay.. "

05 September 2017

NKRI Harga Mati!

" Very clean place!! Fresh air!! And, the people are friendly.
You should try the local snack called "klepon". It's purple ball with liquid brown sugar inside.
Public restroom is not clean! "

20 August 2017

Ifan Gitawa

" Cool village. Cold air. Cool structure. Good spot for taking photos. "

23 July 2017

Hari Anggono

" It's good but not amazing as per media descriptions. It's clean and organized, perhaps should become the role model for all villages in Bali. However, it's lack of WOW factors.

If you didn't make so much efforts to go here then it''s okay, I think. "

09 July 2017

Arik Dy

" Nice visit. seeing traditional Balinese home and you can try loloh cemcem traditional drink.. love the taste and nice to know it also has benefit not only to disappear your thirst "

06 July 2017

Maria MaLie

" Traditional Balinese village. Heritage of Indonesia. Located at Bangli.
The local said that the whole area is owned by the village not a private property. "

28 June 2017

Putu Tonsen

" This village is famous for its well-designed space and landscspe. Tidy village road with unique home entrance make it very beautiful. "

20 June 2017

Spaghetti Hair

" This is a spectacular place yo go in Bali to and see an extremely well maintained traditional villiage. The main street is beautiful with amazing views both down the valley and to the temple at the top. You can also go inside families compounds to see their traditional homes which is lovely. A bamboo forest is also situated on the same site which is beautiful to walk around "

09 June 2017

Indra Kurniawan

" Nice place to visit. The resident are so polite and warm. Many place to take pictures. This is one of the clean villages in the world. Make sure that you try CEMCEM LOLO, special drink that you can only get in this village "

07 June 2017

Maulana Ibrahim

" The place is quite interesting, very clean, tidy, but.. it really just give u a view of a small tidy village. When i got there, no ceremony or something else are performed. And also, as usual, all villager always asking u to buy their stuff. -_- "

15 May 2017

Ade Nan

" Tidy, clean, well maintained village, nice people but they're all try to sell something to you just ignore them they won't push you to buy their good. This village example of Bali house compound traditionally obtain reference base on Asta bumi/kosala-kosali (Bali architectural ancients book) undagi bible book. See the real Bali house compound will inspiring you. "

15 May 2017

Samira Thalib

" the houses are now renovated modernly tho they still keep the gate in uniform with other houses and still have traditional kitchen which i'm not sure if they still use it. "

09 May 2017

Adetya Hardiawan

" Tempat wisata yang sangat bersih dan bagus serta warga asli bali yang ramah dan masih memegang teguh ajaran leluhur. Very highly recommend 👍 "

27 April 2017

Faisal Bahrun

" We were having a great time here. We arrive around 4, it was crowded at that time but when it was almost 5, there r barely no tourist. You can take pictures wherever you want without any one bumped in your camera "

25 April 2017

Wagino Wagino

" Realy clean. U must try Loloh cem-cem "

17 April 2017

Bali Manggis

" The village is clean and people are friendly.
We probably expecting more welcome experience such as live in. Some home stay facilities are there, but looks like another homestay elsewhere.

The community organization may improve in these issues. "

27 February 2017

Navyanto Arasma

" Loved it in here, the village is clean and arranged nicely. But it's kinda weird because the villagers here also sell some stuffs too. Don't go here when the sun is shining hard, it will burn your skin. But well, you can go to the bamboo forest behind until the sun is friendly.
And oh yeah, you have to pay (per head) to get in here, and that was too expensive for me. "

02 February 2017

Navyanto Arasma

" Loved it in here, the village is clean and arranged nicely. But it's kinda weird because the villagers here also sell some stuffs too. Don't go here when the sun is shining hard, it will burn your skin. But well, you can go to the bamboo forest behind until the sun is friendly.
And oh yeah, you have to pay (per head) to get in here, and that was too expensive for me. "

02 February 2017

Ze Zeine

" I assumed this place like Balinese along long time ago, yes it was but there also small shop inside the home yard. It's not managed and arrange like traditional shop. Average is OK as traditional village. "

27 December 2016

Jonathan Mitchell

" We came here thinking we would see how a traditional village operates, with its inhabitants going about their day to day lives but I assure you this place is nothing short of a tourist trap! Sure it's beautiful and clean, but all the shop owners and homeowners along the Main Street stand outside asking you to buy something . Felt like a museum or something artificially staged just for tourists. Worth the 20,000 admission but once is enough. The bamboo forest behind was nice. "

06 December 2016

Avijit Das Patnaik

" Good unique experience. The bamboo forest adjacent to it increase its value "

28 October 2016

Ardy Putra

" Buat yang pengen ngerasain suasana Bali yang bener-bener natural & asri. Disinilah tempatnya, disini semua rumahnya masih asli. Jangan lupa ada jamu lolo cemcem, jamu asli dari panglipuran. Recommended. 👍 "

18 October 2016

David Kang

" Beautiful. Nearby there's a small bamboo forest which cools you down during the hot day.

You can walk in to the Balinese cultural homes and learn about the architecture of their homes. "

17 September 2016

Jerry Chew

" This is a beautiful and peaceful traditional village. The place is clean. Interesting is each door outside will show how many people stay in. 5 person or 2 person... This let you clearly know that this house status.
worth to give a visit the place. "

14 June 2016

Bisma Prayoga

" This is the best village I ever visited in my entire life. And to know that their habit & culture to keep everything neat & clean from decades ago is so astonishing. I never knew there is a place like this before. So recommended 👍👍👍 "

23 April 2016

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