" Lovely place and good price... Many people love taking selfie photos "
17 April 2018
Surya Erawan
" Local menu with very very very reasonable price. Lovely surrounding in the middle of rice field. "
09 March 2018
Linna Kry
" Great atmosphere at cheap price. "
04 January 2018
Navyanto Arasma
" Nice restaurant with great cheap bubur and relaxing views. "
06 December 2017
Romy Ardian
" I was here one month ago. This place is offering you to taste some authentic of balinese food with outstanding view, cool air, and friendly waiter/waitres. The prices are not expensive according to a local. You can forget all your trouble while sitting here and enjoying the meals and drinks. I suggest that you come in the morning or afternoon, when the sun is not too hot. The minus thing is lack of some provider signal, and they are not providing wifi, so that's one of the reason i can not give 5 star. "
26 November 2017
Agus Pramana
" The rujak is good, I don't like the bubuh food, the taste wasn't so good for me. The place surrounded by paddy field. "
15 October 2017
Chriswan Sungkono
" Stunning yet low-key traditional Balinese fares with scenic view of rice fields. "
" Awesome place and good food.
If you looking for cheap balinese food this is place is Recommended "
10 September 2017
ICitra Pradana
" visitors too crowded, so when eat was less comfortable.
But the rice field view so beautiful, and have friendly price. "
16 August 2017
Fabee Renetta
" Authentic Balinese food, affordable price. "
03 August 2017
I Kadek Ramadana
" Murah "
19 July 2017
I Made Oka Guna Antara
" Delicious menu's "
11 July 2017
Caesario Perdana
" Bubur nya enak, cm rujaknya kurang ok. Tp wajar lah dengan hrga. Tempatnya enak, open air, cm di lantainya bnyak semut jd hati klo mo duduk liat2. "
09 April 2017
Wisnu Geriyawan
" Tradisional food Bali. Tempatnya Sejuk, nyaman, lega dan objek pemandangan yg terjaga akan hijaunya membuat selera makan menambah. Sampai2 anak dalam kandunganpun ikut menikmatinya. Wkwk... "
12 February 2017
Bali Godnes
" good "
23 January 2017
ICitra Pradana
" visitors too crowded, so when eat was less comfortable. "
10 January 2017
Frank Lucas
" Kleine Karte. Eher von Einheimischen besucht. Sehr nett "
06 January 2017
Ngurah Juniadi
" Perjalanan saya ke bubuh bali cukup 10 mnt dari Puri Ubud naik motor. Melewati pemandangan sawah yg indah dan berundag. Sampai d lokasi saya pesen 1 Bubur Bali (spesial menu ) + teh hangat + kerupuk, next nyari spot selfies. Hanya 10rb saja. Masih sangat terjangkau bukan.... selamat menikmati. "
Gusti Subic
" Great balinese food ... "
18 May 2018Komang Yaniarta
" Lovely place and good price... Many people love taking selfie photos "
17 April 2018Surya Erawan
" Local menu with very very very reasonable price. Lovely surrounding in the middle of rice field. "
09 March 2018Linna Kry
" Great atmosphere at cheap price. "
04 January 2018Navyanto Arasma
" Nice restaurant with great cheap bubur and relaxing views. "
06 December 2017Romy Ardian
" I was here one month ago. This place is offering you to taste some authentic of balinese food with outstanding view, cool air, and friendly waiter/waitres. The prices are not expensive according to a local. You can forget all your trouble while sitting here and enjoying the meals and drinks. I suggest that you come in the morning or afternoon, when the sun is not too hot. The minus thing is lack of some provider signal, and they are not providing wifi, so that's one of the reason i can not give 5 star. "
26 November 2017Agus Pramana
" The rujak is good, I don't like the bubuh food, the taste wasn't so good for me. The place surrounded by paddy field. "
15 October 2017Chriswan Sungkono
" Stunning yet low-key traditional Balinese fares with scenic view of rice fields. "
02 October 2017Rendy Valensi
" pemandangannya hijau menambah selera makan, wahh nyaman "
20 September 2017Rozea Octavia
" Awesome place and good food.
10 September 2017If you looking for cheap balinese food this is place is Recommended "
ICitra Pradana
" visitors too crowded, so when eat was less comfortable.
16 August 2017But the rice field view so beautiful, and have friendly price. "
Fabee Renetta
" Authentic Balinese food, affordable price. "
03 August 2017I Kadek Ramadana
" Murah "
19 July 2017I Made Oka Guna Antara
" Delicious menu's "
11 July 2017Caesario Perdana
" Bubur nya enak, cm rujaknya kurang ok. Tp wajar lah dengan hrga. Tempatnya enak, open air, cm di lantainya bnyak semut jd hati klo mo duduk liat2. "
09 April 2017Wisnu Geriyawan
" Tradisional food Bali. Tempatnya Sejuk, nyaman, lega dan objek pemandangan yg terjaga akan hijaunya membuat selera makan menambah. Sampai2 anak dalam kandunganpun ikut menikmatinya. Wkwk... "
12 February 2017Bali Godnes
" good "
23 January 2017ICitra Pradana
" visitors too crowded, so when eat was less comfortable. "
10 January 2017Frank Lucas
" Kleine Karte. Eher von Einheimischen besucht. Sehr nett "
06 January 2017Ngurah Juniadi
" Perjalanan saya ke bubuh bali cukup 10 mnt dari Puri Ubud naik motor. Melewati pemandangan sawah yg indah dan berundag. Sampai d lokasi saya pesen 1 Bubur Bali (spesial menu ) + teh hangat + kerupuk, next nyari spot selfies. Hanya 10rb saja. Masih sangat terjangkau bukan.... selamat menikmati. "
03 January 2017