Sate Apaleh Geurugok
About Sate Apaleh Geurugok
Sate Apaleh Geurugok is a restaurant, located at Geurugok, Keude Lapang, Ganda Pura, Kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 822-1320-7870 for more detailed information.
Andri Munazir
" The food is very delicious and savory, sate apaleh one of the most recommendations if you are into Geurugok area, Bireuën Regency, Aceh "
10 May 2018Hakim Jamil
" Good taste.
18 March 2018Ones of Special culinary in north Aceh. Hope to be there next time. "
Andri Munazir
" The food is very delicious and savory, sate apaleh one of the most recommendations if you are into Geurugok area, Bireuën Regency, Aceh "
08 February 2018Eko Kusworo
" People said that this was the real sate matang. Don't say you ever had eaten sate matang until you have eaten sate matang here.
19 January 2018The meat was so juicy, little bit sweet. The best sate matang I ever had. My senior said that the sweet taste was the unique of Aceh's cow, because the cow still had organic grass as their feed.
Other thing I have heard from my friend, the word 'Apaleh' was coming from 'Apa' and 'Soleh'. Apa means uncle while Soleh was the name of the founder of this resto. "
Fauzan Husaini Syahputra
" I am a satay lover and i can say this is the best satay in Aceh. Waiting time about 15 minutes. Not expensive "
30 December 2017Cutbang Rahmat
" very famous grilled meat "
17 November 2017Suhra Ilyas
" The best sate, that's what me and my family get everytime we stop there. Their sate is soft and juicy, eaten with peanut sauce and warm rice. Specialty for this area. Only 4.5 hours drive from Banda Aceh or just less than another hour Drive from Lhokseumawe. This place is great for dining for two or for the whole family member. Bring your kids and their grandma there "
08 November 2017Dodi Setiadi
" Good taste for hot n fresh food "
12 October 2017Muhammad Firmansyah
" Delicious, cheap, warm people.. "
21 July 2017Nabilla Ismed
" Wellknown place. Good taste. Sorry to say, it is unclean for a restaurant level. "
06 June 2017Hasmanita Hamzah
" The meat satay is tender and yummy, mix with fresh and hot soup no coconut's really satisfy our belly..but need phone number to reserve please "
02 June 2017Marzuki Ki
" Sate Apaleh is the best "
22 May 2017Wicaksono Aryo Pradipto
" The taste of cow meat satay is delicious, little bit of sweet, served with rice, peanut sauce and stew. The price is IDR 2.500 per stick of satay "
22 March 2017Heri Hermawan
" Kualitas sate.makanan kurang bersih..sate banyak yang hangus pd saat di hidangkan... "
21 February 2017Irhamni Irhamni
" Sate khas Aceh. Anda dapat menyantap sate apaleh geurogok dengan model sate matang (nasi putih + bumbu kacang + kuah soto + minum/biasanya es timun). Harga sate nya tergantung berapa jumlah sate yg anda makan. Setiap Anda datang misalnya dihidangkan 15 tusuk sate dan yg anda makan hanya 10 tusuk sate, maka hanya harga 10 tusuk sate + nasi putih + minum yg anda bayar. Yg menarik di sate Apaleh Geurogok ini adalah ukuran daging satenya yang besar dan juga tersedia sate babat n soto tulang. Berada di Keude Geurogok di jalan lintas Medan Banda Aceh dan ada 3 outlet yg tidak berjauhan n ada 1 outlet yang buka hingga pukul 5 subuh. Cukup layak untuk dicicipi... "
25 January 2017Munirwanzk Iwan
" Sate apaleh mantab....dh lma gk mkn ne.trlalu jauh klw skrang "
10 January 2017Aulia Afzal
" Mangat that.. :D "
22 December 2016Nasruddin Ahmad
" Sate n service n price good "
22 December 2016Rifqa Sa
" Enak "
22 August 2016Alfian Noer
" Enak dibanding kota sebelah "
22 August 2016Khalifa Al Ard
" Sate nya maknyuss. Sedaplah. "
01 August 2016Iwan Poachers
" Ramai "
26 July 2016Ady Safwan
" Enak "
31 July 2015