Komentar :
Diana Sandra Aprillia (12/06/2018 16:07)
Sekarang belanja si Lotte Grosir ngga dapet poin. Menurut info dari CS nya memang ada beberapa akun member Lotte yg poinnya ga bisa masuk ketika belanja. Hufft, sangat aneh dan tidak adil. Trus kata CS nya lagi, poin yg bisa di redeem monimal harus udah sampe 50.000 poin. Padahal jelas-jelas di struknya tertulis redeemable poins 1600 poin.
Anggie Saraswati (10/06/2018 16:11)
Selalu puas belanja dsni.. tp ya gt kadang msh ada beberapa barang ga ada label harga, malah td saya belanja, ada labelnya tp ga terdeteksi di scan kassa.. jd yg antri dibelakang harus menunggu kasir cari harga dl..
Tolong lebih diperbaiki lg utk label2 harganya.. yg kadang msh suka ga ada di rak barang..
So far pelayanannya udh lbh baik..
fauzi ramadhan (08/06/2018 07:48)
Various home daily needs with reasonble price. Poor of promo. Building design is simple
Fauzi Ramadhan (05/06/2018 10:24)
So many options and promo. You will see brands you won't get in common supermarket
Metty Fauziah Wardhani (02/06/2018 22:05)
A great place to buy groceries in bulks or for your monthly needs. Price is relatively cheaper, parking is spacious, but items available are not as various as in supermarkets and restocking is often slow. The queue is manageable if you visit in the evening.
Andre Drajat (17/05/2018 07:25)
irvan notes (04/05/2018 01:41)
great place to shop grocerries
fathurrahman cyber (24/04/2018 14:08)
Barang ny murah klo beli bnyak.good.
Ratih Sendari (10/03/2018 12:05)
its nice to be here to buy anything i want
Andy Winawan (10/03/2018 08:57)
+ Located near my residence
+ Price inexpensive
+ Large Parking
- Very remote located toilet
- Quite clean, but very not well mantained toilet. (broken/malfunctioned tools everywhere)
- Parking no longer free
Indra Tripuji (10/03/2018 07:18)
Great place to shop
Eman Sumarna (22/02/2018 22:39)
Big shopping center. Nice room, but parking area is too hot. No trees, no roofs.
habib abdullah (25/12/2017 09:39)
Doing job as sales