Komentar :
Dhani Wazza (17/04/2018 04:20)
Lagi PKL disini cukup enak dan orang-orangnya ramah malahan pernah diajak siaran di RRI pro 4 9.28 fm
Dyan Boy (26/02/2018 03:16)
Ruangan yg nyaman, dan tertata rapi
Ambar Budi Karseno (16/02/2018 06:06)
Kesini saat nonton Stand Up Comedi Limit Break nya Rindra dana...👌
Agung Budiharjo (29/11/2017 17:51)
Bisa foto-foto dengan benda telekomunikasi klasik disini
rusidi sag (09/09/2016 16:36)
RRI is the only radio that bears the name of the country that broadcasts intended for the benefit of the nation and the state. RRI as public broadcasting institution that is independent, neutral and non-commercial broadcast function is to provide information services, education, healthy entertainment, social control, and maintain a positive image in the international world.
The amount of the duties and functions of RRI provided by the state through Act No. 32 of 2002 on Broadcasting, PP 11 of 2005 on Public Broadcasting, and PP 12 in 2005, RRI confirmed as the only broadcaster that can be networked nationally and can work together in the broadcast with foreign broadcasters.
With the strength of 62 broadcasters including Broadcast of Foreign Affairs and the 5 (five) working unit (satker) Other, namely Centre preaching, Center for Research and Development (Puslitbangdiklat) Internal Control Unit, as well as strengthened 16 production studios as well as 11 representatives of RRI in Overseas RRI has 61 (sixty one) programs 1, 61 programa 2 programa 61 3, 14 programa 4 and 7 studio production of the equivalent of 205 RRI radio station.
voi indonesia (20/04/2016 02:10)
It's the mirror to see Indonesia