Komentar :
Weldy Gea (07/03/2018 03:55)
Sebaiknya kantor kelurahan ini tidak usah menggunakan dan mencantumkan no telepon, karena percuma tidak pernah diangkat pada jam apapun. Apabila ada pertanyaan, sebaiknya langsung ke kantor.
Saran saya, alangkah baiknya apabila kantor kelurahan punya call center atau customer care.
Dwi Yanto Bhekti Bhekti (12/01/2018 03:42)
Rapi antri.... good
Febri Fristian (24/10/2017 02:28)
This office getting better with an conditioner, on-time service, newspaper, great explanation, queue number and also drinking water for the people who wait for their turn. But i don't know why my e-ktp still on progress, almost 6 months since i was started, the only reason that i got "they can't print it because they don't have the id based". So i need to extend my "surat keterangan" for the next 6 months.
Actually they're getting faster than before, and more helpful.
This is the office for south tanjung duren area, and you can find it easily. The place is quite clean and cool, and you can find the traditional icon of Jakarta called ondel-ondel here.
For the parking fee, i don't know because i used online transportation but i think it should be free because there is no valet service or any staff.
If you are looking for the proper way to open cafe, house, or just transfered from another city, you can find the tutorial paper and what do you need to prepare for it near the door, that's really helpful.
Every weekday, they will started around 07.30 - 08.00 AM, make sure you take the queue number first.
ismail saputra (15/12/2016 08:02)
Kenapa pada saat mati lampu petugas kantor kelurahan tanjung drn selatan tidak bisa memproses data masyarakat dan kenapa tidak diberi genshet listrik untuk sementara soalnya ini sudah benar benar merugikan masyarakat yang berdomisili jauh untuk mengurus dokumen ke keluarahan jadi memakan waktu lama karna listrik mati.UNTUK PAK AHOK TOLONG MASING MASING KELURAHAN AGAR DI BERI GENSHET AGAR APABILA KEJADIAN SEPERTI INI TIDAK TERULANG KEMBALI !!!! SAVEJAKARTA
Alfan Hidayatullah (08/12/2016 13:47)
Kalo ktp saya daerah dan masih ktp lama blm e-ktp bikin e-ktp di kelurahan tanjung duren selatan jkb bisa gak yah? Krna saya nemuin ini d google 'bikin ktp tdk sesuai domisili gak ribet lg dan bisa d bkin d mna saja' , ini benar ada nya bkn? Soal ny sy mw bikin e-ktp tanpa hrus plg kampung jd gk makan waktu, dan ini kalo sy bikin d jkt d kenakan biaya atau engga?
Tolong d jawab Terimakasih
Albert Kristian (12/07/2016 04:53)
It has just transformed to a ptsp office which has a service that is likely a bank. Ac room, several rows of seatings , newspapers, drinking water, extremely fast and efficient process are some points that i observed here. Really proud of the government right now.
Saepul Joxs (02/05/2017 13:20)
Tetangga sebelahnya
TASPEN KCU JAKARTA (20/03/2017 06:23)
telfon nya g ada yang angkat
Alvin Halim (23/08/2016 09:16)
Very good one stop service that is cozy, fast and helping. Good job pak Ahok, and the government team.
Pelayanan Satu Pintu yang nyaman, cepat dan membantu. Pastikan tanyakan dokumen apa saja yang perlu dibawa. Sangat membantu, tidak perlu bolak balik ke kantor kecamatan, atau sudin untuk urus ktp.
Ada air minum, tv kabel dan koran untuk dibaca.