Komentar :
Golono Haneut (10/03/2020 08:16)
Obatnya kurang komplit,pelayanan yg jutek.....!!!!
Ompung Gio (06/05/2019 05:18)
The medicine for my only question about the patent can be transferred to a plastic bottle (aqua ump) not yet answered
Because the place where the glass bottle is afraid changes its quality to another place
But thanks, don't get tired of answering our questions
Stephanus Riawan (30/01/2019 07:48)
Toko obat tradisional ini sudah ada sejak lama termasuk salah satu toko obat lengendaris, kita bisa mencari obat tradisional chinese untuk berbagai macam penyakit.
Untuk harga pun sangat bersaing dengan toko obat tradisional disekitarnya.
Pelayanannya cukup bagus dan ramah.
Please lik and share... :)
melisa sianipar (14/07/2018 10:10)
Chinese traditional medication. Provide many chinese medicine. We can consultation and medical check up with a sensei there. This is one of the famous medicine shop.
JOENG SUKAMTO JUSUF (18/06/2018 09:08)
Located in Chinese Town, Pancoran, West Jakarta. It serves Chine tradisional herbs, TCM. It established about 1933. Open Mon-Sat.
Hnd T (18/11/2015 04:47)
One of the oldest Chinese traditional medicine shop in Jakarta.
Odie arth (18/05/2018 06:17)
Good sinshe
hoseok seo (11/04/2018 18:42)
Endri Dwi (08/04/2017 06:15)
Obat herbal china,, mujarab
Lius Djohari (29/03/2017 07:21)
Toko Obat Chinese, Specialist obat ramuan Chinese medicine tradisional
Komplit dan terpercaya, sudah langganan dari jaman kakek saya ada dokter nya juga dan akupuntur (Cantiiiik)
Sun Daimond (20/06/2013 03:45)
Toko Obat Yang telah ada sejak tahun 1933 di pancoran jakarta barat kota
Furqaan Noviyanto (25/07/2015 17:17)
Antonnius Doni (12/04/2015 11:56)
Bagus gambarya.