Komentar :
Edo Bareto (28/02/2020 10:39)
Barang ox, harga jga bersehabat. Sukses sllu bang
Samsul Arifin (05/12/2019 13:32)
Mantap layanannya ramah .... .
juliansyah juli (13/12/2018 04:38)
Bisa grosir spaerpart kumplit
Budi Awan (03/12/2018 12:47)
Mantap harga bersahabat brang okkk, thanks izan toys
Su herman (13/11/2018 07:55)
Harga murah bisa COD
Rania Imah (25/06/2018 17:02)
Harga grosir lumayan beli banyak buat disewain...makasih bapak izan
Galang Gilang (17/04/2018 06:16)
Motor mininya kumplit mes8n aslinya jg ada harga bs grosir mantapp
gheysha mahendra (27/09/2017 11:27)
Mau nanya ni gan harga motor GP yg nomor nya 10.0 berapa ya gan
Ardianto Prasetyo (30/07/2017 10:16)
the motorcycle is handsome, the service is satisfying, and the price can be rocked like Ayu ting ting
Desi Ratnasari (25/07/2017 12:23)
The motor is good "... the seller is also friendly, cheap price can get a discount
Luluk Purwantono (28/08/2018 11:41)
Jadwal buka tutup tokonya tdk pasti
Anita (17/05/2018 01:27)
Agus Setiyawan (27/08/2017 06:01)
Lokasi tepatnya dimana ya?
Dona Botutu Awaluddin (12/08/2017 06:47)
Pmas bole saya beli tapi nanti kirim di