Komentar :
Zulhidayat Ay (07/04/2018 10:12)
Not bad
Larasati Yayi (06/03/2018 08:49)
Friendly staff, nice and cozy place for hangout
Gandhi Ferdinand (04/11/2017 14:46)
Iced Double Chocolate tastes good (not if you don't like the taste which may be too sweet though). The place is crowded (it's currently on weekend), the seats are limited, since the place is not so spacious/quite narrow. Seems noisy too...
Arman Pramono (05/10/2017 02:21)
This coffee bean is great, they have spacious outdoor seating. Really like it. Good service too
Arief Rachman Ashar (12/09/2016 08:52)
A good design store, has an outdoor terrace. But this place is quite small. The barista is nice.
Aade Indah (10/09/2017 16:36)
Good place.
Daniel Prabowo (15/06/2017 03:11)
Good Coffee
immanuel juniawan (20/03/2017 18:26)
Enak tempat nya. Bersih, nyaman, sejuk dekat dg perbelanjaan, yaitu berada di Mall Kelapa Gading.
Team nya juga ramah dan menarik.
Sajiannya juga menarik
Apalagi di tambah dg disk 50% dr cc bank mega.... kalap dahhhh...
Apalagi di temani dan di mentori oleh orang tua seperti pak tua ini..... sehat selalu yah pak michael goana
Efvita Efvita (17/02/2017 11:28)
The Coffee Bean& Tea Leaf mall Kelapa Gading sering ada diskon dg menggunakan kartu kredit dari beberapa Bank...tempatnya asyik untuk minum kopi sambil menikmati cake nya...bersama keluarga maupun teman2..dan rasa kopinya nikmat sekali
Mauludil Ansori Lubis (08/02/2017 07:41)
Lumayan nyaman, apa lagi ada promo diskon 50% dari Bank Mega
Manunggal Lukman (23/01/2016 14:41)
Good location in MKG, with outdoor terrace