Komentar :
sumardi kho (03/06/2018 13:12)
Ruang tunggu terlalu sumpek dan peralatan minum banyak kerak kuning tidak terawat baik
Herman Nudjaja (16/03/2018 10:06)
Good technician, good receptionist
Sae Ilham (23/02/2018 12:50)
Service exellent
Bambang Supriadi (18/01/2018 05:00)
Arif Zulfikar P (18/12/2017 08:12)
Good but very crowded even on the weekdays.
Hadi Sukirman (19/08/2016 02:34)
Quick and professional service. The technicians also try to find flexible approaches to reduce your waiting time. If the wait is usually long they may even provide warm snacks! There is a waiting area with hot drinks and a wifi connection. I suggest to call to make a service appointment.