Komentar :
Rizky Kurniawan (02/06/2018 15:12)
All drawing artists must be happy in here..
Fenlyna Azzawan (23/02/2018 12:18)
It would be nice if they put on price tags
sindhuartha liesatyadharma (23/02/2018 05:37)
Just to make a note, kalo mau pake debit minimal 100 rb and it's worth it
Samuel Lumentut (24/09/2017 11:03)
The cheapest place to buy stationaries and office supplies around. If you usually buys them in Gramed you will be amazed that you can save up to 50% when you buy your supplies here.
Yes the price difference is that much!
This place is a heaven sent if you want to replenish your office/school supplies and stationaries. They even sell Yamaha Pianica for school use! Perfect!
The only drawback is that it is hard to find parking space especially in lunch or dinner time
Samuel Ekanata (21/07/2017 14:40)
While this place is very cramped, but I find it interesting, since it provides so many stationary at a very reasonable prices. Regularly come to this place at least once in a month
Mulia Salim (03/06/2017 14:21)
complete range of stationery with Mangga Dua price level
Defrianto Ng (07/09/2017 07:35)
Its a little bit small, and not all of the stationary is available in this store
Dwi Putri Siagian (03/06/2017 12:17)
Go to this store for stationeries in below-average price
Christina Sander (22/05/2017 07:13)
Cheap price for student
Eddy Tju (29/04/2017 14:24)
If you are looking for comprehensive and cheaper price of stationary, you'll get it here.
Mellisa Tan (19/02/2017 05:48)
Price is more cheaper than big book store
Muhammad Idrus (31/01/2017 14:16)
arif firdaus (19/01/2017 04:25)
Success Stationery, tempat ini cocok untuk hunting peralatan kantor dan untuk seniman. drawing pen lengkap, ada juga sketchbook, tapi sayangnya tempatnya kurang luas.
Samuel Setyo Nugroho (19/01/2017 02:17)
Disini pelayanan ramah, tempat favorit buat hunting perlengkapan sketch. Harga murah
Arthur Pinot (12/07/2016 16:51)
Cheap price for all products
Adeline K (14/09/2014 12:24)
Success Stationary is just like Dick Blick in Indonesia. One stop shop for art student!
+ provides complete art and stationary supplies
+ reasonable price
+ nice and helpful staffs
- so many items but small place, less convenient
- I went to the outlet in puri and on the 2nd floor the room was a bit dark
Sandria Agung Saputra (23/12/2015 11:11)
nyari kebutuhan buat tugas" kampus? ataupun sekolah? disini pusatnya, apa yang lu butuhin ada kok, dan kalo menurut gua, dibandingin tempat lain, disini terhitung yg paling murah buat harga" barang yang ditawarin :)
Prawira Setiadarma (03/08/2013 17:09)
Cari barang stationary lengkap dan murah dsini tempatnya!
Louis Riantan (21/09/2012 14:02)
Lebih murah dari gramedia