Komentar :
Jefri Tamba (12/04/2018 02:03)
Massive station and always incredibly busy. The intersection in front of the station is very dangerous. There are some good restaurants on the first floor, overlooking the crowds downstairs. In wintertime there are often nice carols. Connections are good and delays are usually few. Very big underground station as well with a maze of tunnels.
Anam Nugroho (27/03/2018 09:43)
Small station, near Angke Market. The market make it looks dirty, but inside the station is fairly clean.
Aris Subagio (18/01/2018 10:48)
the station is far from main road, doen't have good access
Indra Siregar (12/10/2017 10:47)
It is very tidy in the station. However, there is big crowded outside, because there is traditional market there.
Festiaji N. Irawanto (03/09/2017 10:32)
Not too big Train Station, very clean and have excellent service for PT. KAI Crew
Chen Deng (22/12/2017 15:57)
Neil Firman (05/08/2017 04:52)
Clean place
Ichlasul Affan (07/07/2017 13:46)
Small station but nice view inside.
Prima Hotlan Kristianto (22/06/2017 10:51)
The station is simple and relatively clean.
Dhanang Syarief (18/06/2017 00:49)
Finally, we can stop here. Before it couldn't
andi afandi (28/04/2017 01:20)
Minim fasilitas dan masih sedikit orang ke stasiun angke karena baru di buka kembali maret 2017 ini.
Jon Budi Prayogo (24/04/2017 14:58)
Perlu direnovasi dan diperbaiki agar menjadi layanan publik yg bermanfaat.
Andika Wibowo (04/04/2017 02:10)
RIP kereta lokal rangkas.. last trip friday 31 march 17 we'll miss you
Khoirul Fahmi (09/02/2017 02:30)
Tempat ini lah yang aelalu menyediakan alat pulang yang nyaman... 😂
Muhammad Afwan (29/01/2017 06:17)
Commuter line tak berhenti di sini disarankan naik dari tanahabang atau duri
Mohamed Sameh (09/01/2017 11:04)
Worest station ever
rahmatsaepuwloh@gmail.com cueme (28/11/2016 09:03)
Huuuuuuh lama banget ni comutrline
Jack Brown (19/11/2016 06:13)
Cornelius Tony (12/07/2016 10:24)
Saran aja klo mau ke bogor jangan dari statiun angke, lebih baik dari s. Duri
Raymond Sahanaya (06/12/2015 23:25)
harus di perbaikan semua sistim atau tanda2 terlarang