Komentar :
Nando Sengkang (06/04/2018 03:43)
My campus
Rally Gatez (16/11/2017 01:46)
The best place for philosophy Study in Indonesia.
Arnold Dot ID (23/03/2017 23:51)
Omnuuu K20 (13/08/2016 17:13)
Good enough for study
Hiréka Éric (02/09/2013 02:13)
Undoubtedly the best higher education institute of philosophy in Jakarta, even surpassing its counterpart at the University of Indonesia (UI). The majority of professors at STF Driyarkara (STFD) obtained their PhD in Europe or the US, which explains the wide range of philosophical schools to study. Unlike the UI, the STFD does not have assistant lecturers; all students attend classes taught directly by the professors. The library is home to Jakarta's most comprehensive collections of philosophy and humanities books and other publications.
F Hidayat (15/08/2017 16:59)
Sekolah Filsafat yg dikelola swasta Katolik yg diberinama dari filosof Katolik ternama, Nicolaus Drijarkara. Bukunya yg terkenal berjudul "Pertjikan Filsafat"
Arnold Renaldo (23/03/2017 23:51)
Arthur Francis (17/03/2017 16:21)
Bagi yang minat dengan filsafat. Ini adalah tempat terbaik di Indonesia untuk mengenal filsafat Barat
sugeng pramono (30/09/2016 08:35)
Dandy Koswara (27/09/2016 07:30)
Love the school
Carlo Sadodolu (20/09/2016 17:30)
Pengen kuliah di stf...
Ibnu Fajar (13/08/2016 17:13)
Good enough for study
Carlos Michael Kodoati (22/08/2016 08:28)
Sekolah terbaik!
Dimas Jatikusuma (22/02/2013 06:33)
Pusat studi filsafat dan teologi terbaik di jakarta.