Komentar :
Rahsa Jati (03/06/2018 17:02)
Cadet here 14 years ago
Jack Manalu (19/01/2018 04:08)
Dimas Aryandi (17/01/2018 00:15)
angga prasetya (25/07/2017 10:55)
The place where i got my own sacred sword haaha
Franky Soit (10/04/2017 09:39)
STIP jakarta
Athallah Arsyaf (29/03/2017 17:08)
The National Higher Education of Maritime Institute is an excellent college originally however the management and supervision control in this campus sucks balls. Cadets studying here just drop dead from harassment and violence (seniority is usually involved). Just recently it has been justified that this school is unsafe however students have been dropping dead since the very existence of this school but no differences and significant action can be seen. It applies semi-military values hence there's good emphasis on physical and mental training however unauthorized "training" from seniors are a tolerable culture in this to be doomed institute. I believe the main risk of going here is the probability of dying becomes much higher and the arising of health complications as the practice of violence is frankly considered normal here. In terms of campus facilities, I believe its the most complete maritime academy on the nation with more than satisfactory level of maintenance and service. The campus grounds is extensive and there are many areas to the campus including labs, simulators, and others. The polytechnic is located on the very outskirts of Jakarta hence reaching the college would be much harder and longer. An extra star was given for the outstanding facilities on this campus.