Komentar :
Jalu Wisesa (17/01/2018 12:42)
Great service, wouldn't take much of your time
Putri W (23/11/2017 01:54)
I came to this place for motorcycle mutation on Wednesday and it's not crowded..quite satisfied for the service, really efficient..
ryan Setiawan (20/05/2017 01:59)
Very efficient and quick, the online system really helps for faster services.
Taufik Irmansyah (18/06/2016 01:24)
This new office of Samsat an admintration offices whoes arrange car licency extention
Dinno A. Madaputra (21/05/2016 03:22)
Sistem Administrasi Manunggal Satu Atap (SAMSAT) is the equal of Dept. of Motor Vehicles which is one of the Police role in Indonesia. This particular SAMSAT is an example of the much better facility that i have experienced. You'll be surprised by the warm & "thunderous" welcome at the front door 😊.
Pros: Online system for 3 province, ATM, photocopy, clean, air-conditioned, and they even have customer service. Also the process is speedy (!!), for STNK extension no more than 40 minutes.
Cons: the toilet could be cleaner & more equipped (no sprinkler or soap available).
Arito Mukti (12/09/2017 04:19)
Nice Place
Isays Sampesule (11/09/2017 10:18)
Good service
mirga firmansah (23/03/2017 00:44)
Rendra Hertiadhi (08/03/2017 11:15)
Very efficient service for vehicle registration.
Andis Ardian (14/02/2017 02:02)
tolong tingkatkan lagi pelayanan di samsat cinere, saya tlp anak PKL yang angkat dan tidak ada attitude yang baik, jawaban nya mau mau engga engga..anak PKL nya gak ngerti di kasih lagi ke senior dari senior dikasih lagi ke anak pkl nyuruh anak pkl nya nyatet terus tanyain, anak pkl nya juga blo'on ..
Jack Brown (23/01/2017 14:04)
Nur Bhara (16/12/2016 23:48)
Tsakil Lophliphluph (19/08/2016 02:51)
semoga pelayanannya makin baik untuk kedepannya
fajar arianto (06/08/2016 09:39)
Samsat Cinere tingkatkanlah pelayanan nya okay
Yanotama Tirta Laksana (20/05/2016 03:08)
Pelayanan cepat dan rapi.
Cm mempertanyakan uang cek fisik 30.000 kok gak ada bukti pembayarannya. Pungli kah?
Niko Bimantoro Putro (29/08/2015 03:23)
Sekarang sudah rapih, bersih. AC dingin 😀