Komentar :
Achmad Rezaldy (14/08/2020 05:31)
Andi Wijaya (13/06/2020 13:27)
Good choice for buses
Her Sit (25/01/2020 02:54)
Atma Putra (07/01/2020 08:44)
Good bus agent in the area
Gandjar Wisnu (04/12/2019 01:48)
As'ad M (10/08/2019 15:01)
Pretty much a good travel choice in an unexpected time. You can always expect this travel to be fully booked for weekends and holiday seasons, so mind your schedule beforehand. Meanwhile, the staffs are pretty much helpful with the informations and filling in your expectations. In the case of schedule, they barely delayed unless some unpredicted traffic happened along their ways, so it’s a helpful one if you got alternative if you are in a hurry. Oh! It has kind of big waiting room and just beside the mall, so don’t worry if you have to wait over.
Dicky Caesar Muharawan (23/02/2019 02:01)
Close to the cibubur plasa, easier to find out. Especially for strangers. Unfortunately no air conditioner at the waiting room, only fan available.
wahyu taryono (04/02/2019 02:01)
on time !
Travelling Yuk (20/12/2018 10:54)
Muhammad As'ad (10/08/2019 15:01)
Pretty much a good travel choice in an unexpected time. You can always expect this travel to be fully booked for weekends and holiday seasons, so mind your schedule beforehand. Meanwhile, the staffs are pretty much helpful with the informations and filling in your expectations. In the case of schedule, they barely delayed unless some unpredicted traffic happened along their ways, so it’s a helpful one if you got alternative if you are in a hurry. Oh! It has kind of big waiting room and just beside the mall, so don’t worry if you have to wait over.
FAISAL HAFIDZ (21/06/2019 04:07)
Ekky Orchid (31/05/2019 18:31)
encep saputra (05/08/2018 08:51)
Comfort waiting room
cah oyes (24/04/2018 19:36)
Abdulloh Fahruddin (19/07/2018 03:14)
Pernah kirim motor ke Jogja,aman sih tapi bensinnya habis bis,di ambil semua nya,sampai gak bisa jalan
agus triwardoyo (30/05/2018 07:32)
mohon infonya kalo mau kirim paket sepeda motor bis dilayani gak, suwun
Arra Cahaya Abadi (09/04/2018 03:23)
di telpon nya kurang ramah kaya nya kurang niat berbisnis , pelayanan komunikasi harus di tingkatkan kembali, trimakasih
brian yuswendra (06/04/2018 10:16)
..sistem online belum bagus,koordinasi antar pool belum jalan,alhasil harus nunggu bis 3 jam......:(
Paimin Setro (16/03/2018 16:02)
Lumayan bagus, pelayananya.
Hanya servise makan yg kurang menyenangkan.
Joshua Eko (04/02/2018 04:34)
Pembelian tiket via online lancar. Crew bus ramah.
lala willy (01/09/2017 02:13)
Pengalaman pertama naik Rosalia Indah ditinggal tanpa ada konfirmasi (telp) padahal cuma terlambat sebentar (gk sampai 15 menit). Orang yang bertugas dicabang ini sangat tidak ramah, seperti mereka tidak butuh penumpang atau seperti kita mau naik bis gratis.
Ditelpon tdk pernah respon. Gk niat bisnis sepertinya.
tony mara (08/10/2017 18:19)
waktu itu, harus nunggu petugas loket.. 😰😰
lala (01/09/2017 02:13)
Pengalaman pertama naik Rosalia Indah ditinggal tanpa ada konfirmasi (telp) padahal cuma terlambat sebentar (gk sampai 15 menit). Orang yang bertugas dicabang ini sangat tidak ramah, seperti mereka tidak butuh penumpang atau seperti kita mau naik bis gratis.
Ditelpon tdk pernah respon. Gk niat bisnis sepertinya.
wahyu trihandoko (02/07/2017 10:54)
Cocok untuk transportasi dari cibubur
Yoshida Ertandi (16/06/2017 08:01)
Sangat mengecewakan kirim barang pakai rosalia
Barang yang sudah disegel pun dibongkar dan isinya ada yang hilang
Nomor telepon agen ditelepon tidak pernah diangkat padahal sedang tidak melayani pembelian tiket
hilla ariti Sondakh (04/05/2017 05:58)
Di tlp berkali-kali gak diangkat...
Sigit Dwiyantoro (26/04/2017 10:07)
Mau pesen tiket, penjaga loketnya ga ada. Kata sopir+kernet yg stay, lg keluar ada keperluan.
Disuruh nunggu, +/- 45 mnt ga datang2. Batal pesen. 👋👋