Komentar :
bagus septian (25/03/2018 17:49)
Wanto Wanto (02/03/2018 08:49)
Bagus bersih' lemari terlalu besar jd ruangan menjadi sempit
ebyy siregar (07/01/2018 14:19)
Pertama harganya terjangkau banget~
Kamarnya kecil tapi rapi dan bersih, kamar mandinya bersih hanya sayang gak ada tisu toiletnya walaupun pake wc duduk~
Gak ada sarapan tapi di kanan kiri banyak yang jualan. Wifi everywhere~ and ac full~ 👍
Asmaizal Almunier (10/10/2017 07:11)
Although the owner of this location is less friendly, but the atmosphere of location and environment is quite good.
gaddam praveen (01/07/2017 00:01)
I plan to spend my 3 days holidays in a nice place with reasonable amount. I found this is interesting. Paid full amount in advance. By seeing that place only I understood that I choose wrong place. Dirty rooms,no service for anything,no amenities,need to pay for comforter. More over if I want to go out need to open 3 locks.very disappointing stay.
Nur RAhman (18/10/2017 06:57)
Itu berapa harga buat istirahat sehari
Hilda Awwaliya (29/08/2017 15:30)
Ramah sekali
Wiwik Y (07/07/2017 23:56)
Nyaman dan bersih namun terlalu sempit karena furniture yang dipakai terlalu besar 😊