Komentar :
isa sudedi (22/10/2019 14:29)
Achmad Indrawanto (29/09/2018 14:22)
Good stuff
Good price
Good place from home
Galih Jaya (19/06/2018 13:29)
fashion here more suited for me
Muhammad Saifuddin (16/06/2018 07:01)
The most affordable clothing store ever...👍👍👍
Yulfahmi Muslim (23/11/2017 13:53)
It's the old ramayana store in Klender. Nothing change in last 18-20 years from when I knew first. It's really nothing quite interest to invite me to come again to this shopping centre
natio jiwa ksatria (17/09/2017 15:35)
The very own mall around Klender residence. Though it's just Ramayana, they sell mid-brand with decent price and style. Try it out guys.
Sandro Siahaan (27/05/2018 14:52)
inna listia kautsar (03/05/2018 09:13)
Not too crowdy, low price
Heru Istiyanto (20/03/2018 04:03)
Hello, you can find any clothes, pants, shoes and anything about cosmetic. The price is averages medium to low....
aldri siadari (12/12/2017 11:23)
Nice place to buy lot of clothes and goods
fadhil aw (17/10/2017 06:30)
Convenient for shopping.. Less people
Nugroho Tyo (28/09/2017 09:13)
Many need goods with low price, but the facilities are poorly maintained
Wahyu Dirgantara (10/09/2017 14:36)
Nice place for shopping
Lot of discount
Juan Carlos (16/08/2017 19:48)
It seems that this place is not well managed.
Kistyantoro K (15/08/2017 12:50)
Some good mall shopping in East Jakarta.
Bariqi Abdillah (12/07/2017 13:04)
This is the place which i buy some clothe for ramadhan
Mursidi 88 (04/07/2017 16:39)
Dina Azizah (22/06/2017 21:45)
Kasirnya kurang ramah..saat ngsih brang kasir tidak menanyakan punya member apa engga.d ksih kartu member eh mlahan bilang udah g bsa mb udah selesai.kembalian 3rbu d ksih receh tanpa nanya sma custmer mau pa engga d ksih receh.. ..udah sistem komputer diskon tidak lngsung otomatis..d saat mau lbran kyk gni pelayanannya kurang bnget..
Rini Susan (27/04/2017 01:39)
Tempat yg lumayan gede, hhehe😀
Subyakto Iman Santosa (12/01/2017 11:47)
Cukup ok
Kadi Irawan (21/11/2016 13:09)
Muhammad Qois (06/06/2016 19:45)
A lot of discounts
Clarence Rusli S (28/05/2016 07:25)
Di teras depan anginnya gede banget, enak buat tidur siang he3
Josep Nabu (27/12/2015 08:59)
Tempatnya kecil. Lumayan lengkap dengan harga menengah kebawah. Barang-barang yang dijual hampir semuanya merek lokal, antara lain berupa pakaian dan sepatu pria, wanita dan anak-anak, tas sekolah, koper/trabel bag, perlengkapan rumah tangga serta bahan makanan dan kebutuhan pokok lainnya.