Komentar :
Ucik Surantiyani (01/06/2018 10:48)
Kesini mau pakai voucher fave waktu nonton bareng final liga champions, tapi ternyata vouchernya ga bisa dipakai di atas jam 10 malam. Akhirnya ga jadi pakai voucher deh. Harganya lumayan mahal, tapi pas lihat porsi makanannya cukup sesuai. Rasanya juga enak, jadi sesuai aja sih.
Randy Chandra (10/05/2018 15:07)
Nice burger joints, similar to Subway, large parking space (free!). Price is quite reasonable. But better if you follow their Line account, there are discounts and promos.
Adhy Prasetyo (05/05/2018 00:52)
Nice place to hangout with friends, all American meals, easy to park a car, nice seating interior, be sure to check ongoing promo, though the cashier won't hesitate to inform you of the ongoing promo. Any menu with mozzarella cheese is the best. Ordering with group of friends is cheaper in biggest 12 inch slices.
Lukman Hakim (29/04/2018 07:20)
It's a good alternative for Subway sandwich which Indonesia doesn't have. Their pizza series are good, and there is a jumbo size for three people which you can order directly to the cashier since it is a hidden package.
Eras Parsa (22/04/2018 01:14)
An excellent submarine sandwich chain. I am definitely recommending it to submarine sandwiches fan in Jakarta that misses Subway. They have three types of bread right now but they taste good nonetheless. Like Subway they have 6" and foot long subs. Service is fast and friendly. Parking space is good. And layout of the restaurant is really spacious. Excellent overall.