Komentar :
Adi Nggelan (18/09/2016 11:25)
Kalau cetak 1 pasang aja bisa gk?
Muhammad Muammar (13/02/2016 05:51)
terimakasih , barang sudah saya terima
hasil cetaknya sangat jelas, nanti saya cetak kaos banyak
Kamen Rider (13/02/2016 04:23)
nanti saya order lagi..........
Stefy Falentino (03/02/2016 07:52)
Sangat lengkap jenis kaos dan warna-nya, harga juga sangat terjangkau, kualitasnya juga bagus banget. Well don!
Gradient Four (06/10/2015 06:11)
My dive club ordered over 30 shirts from this company but the sizes are all wrong. One example is men size XL shirt is only 47cm across but it should be 55cm across according to the size chart they sent me so nothing fit. I tried to contact them but they have been ignoring my email, no response whatsoever. Terrible service and definitely won't be ordering from them again.
saonah qurotun (17/07/2017 01:19)
Tempat luas,,,
dan yang terpentiing...hasilnya sangat memuaskaaan,,,,
Atom Hendio (13/02/2016 04:23)
nanti saya order lagi..........