Komentar :
Melati Ayu (21/04/2018 06:21)
ini tempatnya cozy banged, buat kumpul2 sama temen2.
Novilinda Windhy R. (02/04/2018 12:04)
Peak hour. Monday.
Matilda Jati (03/03/2018 11:59)
lot of cheap clothes in ug floor
Dian Permadi (18/01/2018 02:54)
Great mall, but sometimes we don't know the way out
Syifaur Rahmah (12/08/2017 12:13)
Nice place to go,, there is so many snack to choose at Ground Floor.
Kay Nazarite (01/07/2017 10:42)
The shelter is still connected to BenHil but the path is too long
GALIB SHENA (04/05/2017 09:16)
Nice lucrative shopping mall with lot of variance, good place for shopping and hangout.
Fazli Umar Faruq (23/08/2017 09:46)
Nice view of susun semanggi
Angger Prasetyo (29/06/2017 13:29)
Nice view at night right here
rantala sikayo (16/06/2017 21:44)
sams sam (27/04/2017 10:30)
Muacet bangettt... Dominan mobil pribadi
suparno jumar (13/04/2017 00:57)
Halte berada di sekitar Polda Metro Jaya, Plaza Semanggi dan Unika Atmajaya.
JPO penghubung antara halte busway sangat panjang. Boleh dikatakan inilah JPO busway terpanjang.
Dianti Sitanggang (10/11/2016 10:27)
Traffic badly