Komentar :
Danis Blue (05/06/2018 07:35)
Just like other pizza hut places, but this one feels old yet conventional. They didn't redecorate their interior. Parking space is wide and spacious.
Budhi Prasetyo (01/06/2018 07:50)
Restoran Pizza Hut yang berlokasi di sebelah Total Buah, letaknya sangat strategis di pinggir jalan raya. Menu spesialnya pizza dan tersedia pula pilihan makanan lain seperti salad, soup, roti, chicken wing, pasta, nasi "Thai Chicken Rice" dan pilihan minuman jus, teh, cola dan es krim.
saint chyril (03/05/2018 02:32)
The location is not too far away from the toll exit. Perfect for a quick stop on your way to the airport
Muhammad Reza Akbar S Tr Par (26/04/2018 10:10)
This restaurant server pizza dish specially. And this restaurant have some pasta dish too and some rice. This restaurant serving salad, fruit, dessert and another drink like milk shake, chocolate, coffee, soda any kind of that. But the minus things was the waiter and waitresses Cant be harmful and polite to custumers.
Welly Al Binanto (08/03/2018 03:17)
Spacious parking area. Have a dedicate room for gathering or office meeting. Spacious mushola which is i like it. Good job for management. Would be 5 star if have more toilet and the toilet is located in front of wudhu area. it really uncomfortable.