Komentar :
ramos pd (10/06/2018 22:53)
Tidak bisa di harapkan mungkin harus ke swasta nya saja...
Restu Ramadhan (06/05/2018 04:49)
Elisabeth Fobia (18/04/2018 05:45)
Kok bisa pasien yg harusnya masuk ICU diabaikan berhari2 sampai akhirnya meninggal . Suster2 pun melayani dengan judes jika pasien tidak ada yg menjaga . Bukankan suster itu perawat ya ? Kok bisa pasien selesai operasi langsung didorong aja kekamar tanpa ada pihak keluarga dipanggil utk diberi penjelasan hasil operasi atau info apapun. kok bisa pasien dibiarkan pulang padahal duduk saja belom bisa dan masih belum pulih betul . apa karna quota kamar pasien BPJS terbatas sehingga pasien disuruh buru2 pulang ? "Persahabatan" ckckckkc
Darmadi Chandra (16/03/2018 12:43)
Not really go into it, just outside of the building..
Fadhlan sastra (28/10/2017 07:30)
The toilet was stupid. Doesnt even provide you a tissue
nova chairil (27/09/2017 16:27)
A typical private hospital with very poor services. They only have 8 bedrooms at ICU, if it's full you can write your name at waiting list (whatever your condition is). It's very normal when you are hospitalized and the doctors won't come to visit you every day. Also the doctors didn't share any phone numbers to any patient. I heard this hospital is one of the best for lungs, but never believe it. My mom and my friends never get better when hospitalized here. Please consider another hospital to get better
Henry Erik Estrada (03/09/2017 14:24)
Definitely the more modern and better part from all other building in the hospital. Clean and well managed facilities
Hafid Junior (21/08/2017 23:59)
Eko Prasetyo (09/07/2017 06:14)
Gb Jkt (10/10/2016 06:13)
puryomi Bocah bagus (14/09/2016 06:22)
ademaulana fitroh (25/08/2016 06:53)
M Issey (21/08/2013 02:48)
Persahabatan Hospital is the national referral center for respiratory diseases in Indonesia. It is also the venue for the Department of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine of Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia.