Komentar :
Soul Dreamer (08/04/2015 15:39)
As a "bule" with 5 years experience of living in Indonesia, I can say that this is, by far, the best ojek station I have encountered in Indonesia. Miles ahead of the rest.
What do I base such a statement on, you ask?
First and foremost it is this:
The drivers based at the station politely wait for customers to come to them.
The norm in Indonesia is the ojek drivers will harass and solicit you to hire them if they see you on the street:
- waiting for a taxi
- waiting for somebody to pick you up with their car
- walking down the sidewalk
- Sitting on a bench
- Having a cigarette
None of the above are permitted to be done in peace, according to most ojek drivers. Even if you are 100 meters away, they proposition you for their service, they whistle, clap, holler, do anything for your attention. You are forced to say "no thanks" and to feel guilty afterwards. Rejecting people like this 30 times a day gets to you after a while.
In Pangkalan Ojek THamrin Residences. The drivers sit patiently and wait for you. No harassment of bystanders and by-walkers. Not even in upmarket areas like mega Kuningan can you find such a well run and pleasant station.
Secondly, when you do approach the drivers for a ride, they don't fight between over your custom, or make you choose. They have an orderly system where they take turns.
How civilized.
And I think they are doing quite well. During rush hours there is normally a queue of people lined up waiting for a ride when all drivers are out.
Again, how civilized.
It pleases me.
I hope other ojek stations can be inspired and stat following their lead. I am sure anyone who does will start doing better business.
I'll get off my soap box now. Thanks for reading.