Komentar :
Limi Haryana (18/12/2020 01:53)
Submersible pump is here and the electro motor is nidec
putri Riswati (04/12/2020 02:04)
Excuse me sir / mpo, I want to ask, can I ask one of the employees or the HRD contact directly. I want to apply there. for fresh graduate of SMK can it be. thank you
Mutiah mut (09/09/2020 10:46)
Muhammad Andika (27/08/2020 09:09)
This is a good place, I am the employee ????????
Basit Santoso (13/08/2020 04:18)
Fast service friendly process
Aprie adi (13/10/2019 04:17)
Leena Setiawan (27/09/2019 04:00)
Mantap kwalitas produk terjamin keasliannya
Dudin Mulyana (29/08/2019 02:39)
Telpon nya error atau gimana? Ga nyambung2
Adrian Engineers (21/07/2019 22:44)
Tempat yg tepat buat belanja semua keperluan industri electric dan proyek....,PLC,dll....
FATIH MUAMMAR (20/03/2019 10:50)
Beli vynil
Raja dan Fatih (20/03/2019 10:50)
Beli vynil
asep whyyoey Wahyudin (28/07/2018 12:11)
rizky saputra (29/09/2018 10:43)
Tempat mencari sesuap nasi
jamal udin (26/09/2018 01:52)
Mantapp, semangat terus buat para pencaker
Agung Saputra (21/05/2018 05:01)
Nomer Telpon susah di hubungi
Darajat Suradiraja (20/01/2018 11:25)
Tempat mangkal gw banget