Komentar :
Harrie Yusuf (17/05/2018 10:04)
yuanita intan (08/05/2018 22:50)
Just as good as any other NAV
Esa Jkurn (02/05/2018 02:29)
Tempat karaoke keluarga...okelah ..tapi harus tetap dijaga kualitas nya..karna ada beberapa room yg kadang trouble di sound atau AC pintu yg kurang rapat...
Arief Ahmad Junaidi (28/04/2018 15:58)
We were having fun
Endah Fauziyah (20/02/2018 04:20)
Ada musholla nya jadi gausah bolak balik ke bawah kalo mau sholat hehehe
Talitha Arifani (23/01/2018 13:40)
Harga lumayan terjangkau, staff ramah, menurut saya room nya terlalu kecil
Dewanto (29/08/2017 06:48)
Good sound system event not the best
Jefanya Givenfirsta (30/08/2016 05:03)
The place is a bit hot, the service was okay and the karaoke equipment is quite decent
tiara jessica (07/02/2016 18:27)
vivi lianti dian putri (15/11/2017 02:13)
harga terjangkau
Dennis Jayeck (03/09/2017 10:22)
Tempat karaoke keluarga. Selalu penuh saat weekend
dewa sky (29/08/2017 06:48)
Good sound system event not the best
suparno jumar (07/07/2017 13:41)
Karaoke keluarga di lantai dua mall margocity. Stafnya ramah-ramah. Mushola kecil ada. Toilet bersih. Makanan dan minuman juga ada.
Aditia Nugraha (25/04/2017 23:15)
Cocok untuk keluarga, harga terjangkau. Tapi pelayanan dan fitur masih kurang menurut gue
Sofan Arif (04/04/2017 13:15)
Udh lama nggk karokean sama mantan pacar...
Cahya Drajat (02/04/2017 05:18)
Tempat mengeluarkan suara emas bersama kawan-kawan hahaha.
Neo Bhonez (25/01/2017 17:54)
cocok buat keluarga
Ida Djubaedah (04/12/2016 16:23)
Refresh otak dulu,,cozz bsk ujian
Freddy Titaheluw (05/11/2016 07:43)
Gampang utk nyari tempat makan n bir
Mean Sock (30/08/2016 05:03)
The place is a bit hot, the service was okay and the karaoke equipment is quite decent
OOLF OOLF (30/08/2016 05:03)
The place is a bit hot, the service was okay and the karaoke equipment is quite decent