Komentar :
Abduraafi Andrian (27/04/2018 01:13)
low price low experience low services
indra sudarsono (31/03/2018 13:32)
Andreas Lajar (21/03/2018 07:01)
Jonas Dasmasela (22/12/2017 03:23)
Hospitality & near National Monument
Mohammad Abou-Basha (15/12/2017 06:04)
The hotel looks perfect from outside and the price is really cheap according to its location, but inside the room there were problems with the water pipes, and the water itself was salty, I didn't like that
Asriani Purnama (02/03/2017 05:49)
The water is not clean. The curtain doesn't cover the whole window. People can see you from outside.
karda dy (30/05/2017 15:26)
Nice place for me :)
Loedi Ratrianto (23/05/2017 02:18)
hanrrysiswan Djojo (16/12/2016 05:28)
Buat istirahat' yang nyaman murah meriah bagi backpaker dekat dengan pusat pemerintahan RI
Verry Gusyandi, SE (04/12/2016 19:15)
Lokasi yg trategis
Harga sewa kamar yang relatif murah
Akses mudah
Deny Setia (14/10/2016 07:40)
Simple hotel
sendy adhika noor (04/01/2016 02:52)
Good and cheap hotel but too many mosquitoes
andi dhani (22/02/2013 23:09)
N hotel good
Edward Hafudiansyah (22/08/2016 02:54)
Hotel murah bersih deket monaa
Sholikul Huda (19/12/2015 12:41)
Hotel ini antik lokasinya, ada di dekat harmoni sebrang Setneg/istana. Sayang cari makan susah.
emzz iwan (10/11/2015 16:02)
Tri Effendi SS (31/05/2013 17:57)
Service nya bagus, karyawannya ramah dan helpful, pro aktif menawarkan bantuan.
Fasilitas juga lumayan bagus. Kamar relatif bersih. Free Wi Fi dalam kamar dan lobby, air mandi panas, laundry, water heater, TV, room service 24 jam, free makan pagi.
Lokasi bagus, ke Tugu Monas dekat, jalan kaki 20 menit sampai. Dekat Duta Merlin Plaza. Mesjid Istiqlal. Ke halte busway Monas juga lumayan dekat.
TV nya cuma TV lokal semua. Ada 1 channel yg import, Star Sports.
Yang agak mengganggu, ada 1 ekor nyamuk nya dalam kamar.
Tapi anak buahnya selusin.....