Komentar :
Lemonsoda (11/06/2017 02:10)
guys, if you're looking for a certain record or an artist, there isn't a 100% chance that you will find what you are looking for. My experiences from this store consists of me asking the employees for a certain artist or album and only to be responded by "sorry we are out of stock" or "the shipping has some issues and is taking a long time." very disappointing and believe me when i say that i'm writing on behalf of the popular opinion and the general public. Because unless you only listen mainstream solo acts, you will not be able to find the record you were looking for.
Arifien Munandar (18/02/2017 16:16)
Semoga terus bertahan!
Richardo Poliman (03/01/2017 06:39)
it's a very rare nowadays to find a music store like this
Christoforrus Aditia (11/10/2016 06:29)
Maju terus Music Pus!!