Komentar :
Simon Rudi (28/05/2018 07:12)
A really great museum with really haunting atmosphere. This museum was the place where about 7 generals got killed in coup by Communist party of Indonesia. The generals were tortured in place called 'Crocodile Hole'. There is monument to remember this tragic event. The museum itself full of diorama that filled with violence so I hope you prepare yourself, other than that this is really good museum.
nani frea wika (07/04/2018 04:34)
Lukasz Oio (20/12/2017 11:30)
A place impossible to forget - surprisingly one of the most interesting tourist attractions of Jakarta.
For someone not interested in Indonesian XX century history - it will be totally boring and confusing. But if you know the history, if you read about 1965 and saw some documentaries about PKI, 1965 coup d'etat and following massacres - you'll find the place both: terrific and fascinating. It's popular for local tourists, but you'll barely see any foreigners. Interesting cultural experience and an opportunity to learn more about human nature...
Mz Giffary (13/09/2017 13:29)
Historical Place
Noza Novahir (16/07/2017 08:10)
I came here about age 9 or 10, high historical museum about communism in this country.
Harfan Achmad (07/05/2015 09:50)
High historical value
Andi Herdiana (18/09/2017 07:38)
Darah itu merah jendral, mengenang para pahlawan perjuangan melawan PKI, jasamu pasti akan selalu kami kenang
Irawati Dewo (21/07/2017 13:11)
Tempat bersejarah... Dimna.. Selalu di kenang.. Hingga anak cucu
Agung Arif Saputra (20/06/2017 16:58)
Membuktikan Bahwa Komunisme tidak cocok diterapkan dalam Ideologi Negara Indonesia, yang notabene masyarakat majemuk dan berbangsa dan bernegara, berjiwa sosial tinggi dan beragamis, berbeda dengan halaman Komunisme yang berunsur paham Atheisme dan tidak mengenal kemanusiaan.
Nurul Akbar (04/06/2017 09:28)
Tempat sejarah terbaik
Giva Hagia Sophia (17/03/2017 23:48)
dsr jahatnya pki
abdurahman hasan (16/12/2016 01:22)
Jangan lupakan sejarah..!!
WhatAreYouLookingAt ? (11/12/2016 11:04)
Berantas PKI!!!
Alan Fadlan (26/11/2016 04:16)
candrayoga p (12/11/2016 05:45)
Kuteruskan perjuanganmu jendral..!!
Kulindungi dan kurawat bumi pertiwi