Komentar :
Jum Hendri (30/04/2018 07:17)
Ini harga spooring dan Balancing di tempat ini. Buat saya driver online mahal tp buat orang kaya mah enak kok tempatnya dan layanannya. Perkiraan ga jauh Ama bengkel lainnya
denny vebrianto (28/03/2018 11:19)
Good service, cat bagus..pelayanan sepenuh hati..recommended bengkel, puass..thanks buat mba suci..for personaly..
Theo Widihandojo (23/03/2018 14:45)
Repaired my car here..good service..
Sven Kretschmer (04/10/2017 03:10)
Using SWISSINT Wiper refills "made in germany" for all cars. Very good performance. Not expensive
Ferrizal Azwar (18/07/2017 22:18)
The car washing service is not too expensive. The waiting room is comfortable. Or you can wait in the cafe at floor 4, quiet and cozy.
Audi Kasbara (10/09/2016 04:51)
Good car repair and maintenance workshop.