Komentar :
d'lili abdul (14/05/2018 09:10)
Bersih dan nyaman
Iwan Chiwong (04/05/2018 05:39)
Masjid bagus luas,halaman parkir didalam mungkin gk ada jadi parkir motor mobil di pinggir jalan.
Nunky Seno (12/02/2018 05:19)
Tempat ibadah umat Islam dalam menjalankan perintah Allah SWT
Sultani Esdete (21/01/2018 09:04)
Tempat langganan shalat waktu zaman mahasiswa tahun 90-an. Dulu tempatnya masih terbuka sehingga adem, sejuk. Sekarang kemajuannya luar biasa. Tempat parkir memang sudah terbatas sejak dulunya.
Saeful Rijal (23/09/2017 07:43)
Perlu tempat parkir yg lebih baik...
Di lantai atas panas... Perlu kipas angin
Parlin Pakpahan (12/05/2017 03:31)
Al-Mujahidin Mosque
The mosque is located on Jln KH. Ahmad Dahlan, No. 08, Kukusan, Beji, Depok City, West Java 16425.
This mosque is not far from the University of Indonesia. From the name's no wonder the surrounding people are generally adherents of modern Suni. It's also not surprising that quite a lot of students of Suni are similar in UI who pray at this mosque.
The building has been completed renovated is only left decorative lights on the front. While the inside of the mosque is large enough to accommodate residents who will pray every Friday.
What feels less than this mosque is a parking lot that's not available. No wonder every Friday, especially when there's a big celebration, the road from the Palakali direction and KH Usman must be blocked by the officers, so that the front yard of the mosque which's a public road can be used as parking for cars and motorcycles.
In the end I can only give a 3 star because of the issue of this parking lot.
Antoni Andromeda (11/06/2016 12:34)
The mosque renovation is now finished. This mosque is equipped with a lot of fan and surely able to cool the people inside during prayer. Do not have so much parking space.
Sukamto sukamto (11/10/2017 09:01)
Masjidnya nyaman untuk beribadah. sejuk dilantai bawah .tapi parkirnya mobil sangat terbatas
Puja dwi aditia (14/09/2017 11:42)
Mesjid yang aman dan nyaman untuk beribadah
Abdulloh Fahruddin (04/05/2017 13:16)
Bagus besar adem,tapi parkir kecil.
snowyfreeze snowyfreeze (22/01/2017 06:58)
Masjid tanpa pintu.. adem..
Wibisono Yusup (25/09/2016 13:44)
Masjid Muhammadiyah yang baru selesai renovasi. Masjid yang besar namun tempat parkir untuk mobil terbatas.