Komentar :
Ilham abe (31/03/2018 10:53)
One of the old mosque in Condet area. Condet is part of Kramat Jati. You can call this mosque as Jami' mosque or a big mosque to gather many people. Al khairaat is name of the foundation. Other than mosque, they also had many public schools from kindergarten or pre-school until junior high school. Every Friday this mosque also held Friday praying.
Zakaria Abdat (21/01/2018 21:27)
Arief Mediadianto (14/04/2017 05:12)
Local Masjid with huge amount of jamaah
tommy warrior (06/02/2017 10:37)
LOCALS say this is the oldest mosque in Condet area.
Lutfi Yulianto (24/07/2015 10:48)
My place when i was child
Indra Edi Santoso (23/12/2017 05:23)
Waktu shalat dhuhur yang dipakai bukan tempat shalat utama, tapi ruangan lain yang tidak ada tempat imam, hanya gelar sajadah. Saat kapan ruang utama dipakai shalat?
Andy Priyantoko (13/09/2017 23:40)
Barakallahu fiikum
rustam effendi (06/07/2017 15:21)
ruang utama mesjid ditutup waktu dzuhur dan ashar
Novahadi Cysers (09/05/2017 05:48)
Maulana Mascondet (21/11/2016 07:06)
Masjid tertua dan satu - satunya di wilayah condet dan sekitarnya,dahulu kala ketika jum'atan seluruh penduduk disekitar condet melakukan di masjid ini.