Komentar :
Lucky Hapsari (22/05/2018 03:43)
I loved it. The place offers wide range of trratments for body, hair, and face. They provide different rooms for different services, and they're cosy and filled with calming atmosphere that helps the guests relaxing. The therapists are very helpful and friendly. If there's something that makes the guests uncomfortable, they won't hesitate to fix it (whether it's the room's temperature, massage pressure, beverage preference, you name it). My overall experience here says nothing but glowing satisfaction.
Farah Rahma (04/03/2018 10:36)
TERRIBLE! Baru masuk resepsionisnya ga ramah dan cuek. Ini kunjungan pertama saya kesana, dan saya pilih treatment massage. Saya gatau kalo ternyata kamar yg dipilih sama mbanya untuk treatment massage merupakan kamar untuk couple! Pada saat pertengahan sesi treatment, saya disuruh pindah tempat karna alasan kamar tersebut memang untuk customer yg couple yg memang seharusnya treatment di kamar tersebut! Padahal itu kesalahan dari pihak martha tilaar karena lalai buat mengatur kamar customer customernya. Saya ga masalah sama treatmentnya. Tapi tolong kalo pihak situ emang udah salah, jangan nyuruh customernya pindah kamar pas lagi pertengahan sesi treatment. Niat awal saya yg kesana mau lepas penat jadinya keganggu 🙃
Deli Safithri (21/02/2018 13:44)
Pelayanan baik
Natalia Sumampouw (27/01/2018 07:54)
New treatment....
Rudi Lie (27/05/2017 11:11)
Very nice spa. Went for facial and its so relaxing I fell asleep. My face feels like marshmallow now.
Mina child's (07/03/2017 05:03)
good service, and like lemon grass this place
Sari Anandari (06/05/2017 01:25)
Enak bngt dan puas dehh, pelayanan nya jg ok