Komentar :
prili neh (13/02/2018 08:20)
All team very warm and welcome, they really concern about your details 😊
clara alverina (13/10/2017 05:47)
Luminous is the best for me. Beautiful gown, beautiful makeup, and the staff are veryvery helpful, Mrs Agustina, Ci Ellen, Ci Ratna, Ci Jeniffer, and Ci Meli. Luph u all. Thank you luminous.
trifena raqia (14/05/2017 11:51)
Im happy and grateful for used luminous bridal for my precious wedding, the gown was so beautiful and the service was so good and professional. Thanks luminous bridal... Gbu...
Christine Indriani (21/04/2017 03:40)
Luminous was really beyond my expectations. Firstly, they're so humble and warmly welcome. Selalu ramah menyambut kita setiap kali datang, diajak ngbrol dan sharing pengalaman, bantu kita yg belum pengalaman. Secondly, their gown collections are so pretty. Gaunnya bagus2 banget. Plus, mereka mau customize the gown sesuai kebutuhan kita. Really appreciate. Lastly, my bride make up by ci Ellen was so stunning. Couldn't say more, they're the perfect choice for my wedding. Really regret nothing. A big thankyou to all Luminous team ;)
Anatasia Napitupulu (16/04/2017 23:47)
Very helpful and easy to deal with. The staff are very friendly.
andrew narmada (15/01/2017 12:38)
Hard to get a parking lot