Komentar :
Gaby Pananda Dearni (10/04/2018 23:49)
Was a fashion student here. Most of the lectures are well experienced, but some are just too moody and subjective. If you’re not the type to kiss teacher’s ass (figuratively), dont go to this school.
I complained about it to the academic, but nobody responded to my complains. I failed subjectively to this one class, 3 times, but nobody cares when I reported the subjectivity occurred.
Trust me, I wasn’t the only one who experienced it.
jazeela mousthofa (09/03/2018 08:14)
Marfiana Dwi Cahyani (22/11/2017 06:45)
Agung Arta (07/04/2017 10:38)
Fernando Pangk (29/12/2016 06:35)