Komentar :
Eliezer DanielSantoso (23/05/2018 12:11)
The developer is confused about the sidewalk architectural, many dead ends.
But overally a decent place to sit around and watch construction workers do their job at the other side of the road.
Sigit Wiyono (17/05/2018 01:40)
Like the improvement on the iluminated park that made some people would like to take photos
Felzworld Vlog (02/05/2018 05:58)
getting less and less vendor each time. la piazza used to be lively. but not too lively anymore now.
coanks love (30/04/2018 10:12)
enjoying live music while sitting outdoor at Starbucks at La Piazza - Kelapa Gading will make your weekend more memorable.
Ni Putu Wulan (29/04/2018 06:39)
Good for hang out with friends because there's a lot of restaurants indoor and outdoor seating.
Kumara Wisyesa (14/04/2018 15:31)
Good place with good ambience. They have several programs like food and fashion festival during the whole year.
Zulhidayat Ay (11/04/2018 06:25)
Selalu ada even tahunan, Jakarta Fashion Food Festival. Tahun ini jadi gelaran ke-15. Tempatnya nyaman
Lukas Tandaki (10/01/2018 13:00)
Speechless to descreibe how terrible ist the place................
Eko Munartyo (31/12/2017 14:26)
Great place when there is Live Music. Crowded!!! 😊😊
Mario Hadiwono (01/12/2017 12:46)
Almost nothing here. Most of the tenants are closed. The live music area is still there. Starbucks still open. I only visit La Piazza to park my car if I want to go to mall Kelapa Gading. Never go to the second and third floor anymore.
iwan stj (05/10/2017 04:23)
gampang skrg ke tempat sini, hanya pesan ojek online from home and get the mall fastest.. but the all prices.. so expensive.. keep your money and buy them wisely.
rizky adrian (25/08/2017 03:36)
Best olace to hang out... Live musicnya bagus2
indoturtle (05/07/2017 00:43)
A great place to have some foods. There is a Telkomsel gallery too. It's located next of Kelapa Gading Mall.
Sigit Widiharto (01/07/2017 18:17)
Nice place for relaxing, live music band, especially sat nite there is rock nite, lot of food and also starbucks...
R Ayudiati (25/04/2017 14:13)
Used to be better, now many shops are closed. But during the food festival this place is a must go place for a culinary hunter. Watching a movie here also nice, it is cheaper than MKG XXI.
sheesqa munthe (25/03/2017 12:03)
It has large space for live performances. I can enjoy lunch and dinner here without so many people line up in one restaurant. It has medium cinema and enough space for kids to play here.
Suyono Kurniawan (02/03/2017 03:44)
This is a mall connected to Mall Kelapa Gading. The place here mostly are restaurants. It has a wide open space area. Some other shops here are mobile telecommunications shops and several ATMs. That's about this place. However if you want to browse more shops, it directly connect to the Mall Kelapa Gading where you can find more shops.