Komentar :
Lido Dwi Gunawan (01/07/2017 10:39)
Rajawali Robert (24/02/2017 12:39)
Fashion Store
theresia pondaag (24/10/2016 02:24)
Foreign department store in Senayan City
Stasha Raharja (31/08/2016 04:35)
debenhams is big and very many outfits and also theres starbucks inside which is the best part and also chat time infront of the store
E.A. Paminto (25/06/2016 04:11)
My favorite place for midnite sale. Lower price than its everyday with good quality.
Raffa Rizki (16/05/2017 02:37)
Edi Warsito (21/05/2016 17:05)
Cakep untuk belanja
Steven Sutantro (23/12/2015 12:48)
Tempat berbelanja fashion import yang lengkap. Harganya memang harga barang import. Kadang banyak diskon juga.
dina armya (20/06/2016 09:46)
SCTV adalah kompetisi pesaing misalnya Daai TV,Jak TV,Kompas TV,NET.Mediatama dan Rajawali Televisi.
Muhammad Fauzi Antasarisyah (27/03/2016 03:35)
An excellent mall, worth to visit. Nice for shopping, and family gathering at many family restaurants available.