Komentar :
Leli Kurniasari (27/03/2018 11:46)
Good doctors - good service
Viking Wahyudi (13/01/2018 17:08)
naomi resiana (04/12/2017 05:18)
New venue at the mansion apartment tower fontana. Very clean clinic, professional doctor,comfortable.
Gandhi Ferdinand (04/06/2017 07:21)
Since they have moved to this new building, now they have more parking space. Finally!
Albert Winadi (09/03/2017 03:47)
Decent facility but it should be noted that the parking is very difficult to get. Also, the lengthy wait time should also be taken into account.
gita gita (05/12/2016 10:53)
This clinic need some emergency service n people may loose eyesight because of uncooperative attitude .ruang tungu is not my top priorty although it is good n nurses are gentle
Tamara Siregar (16/03/2017 10:26)
Price talks. When you pay more you get more.
IDCARD 1st (10/02/2017 13:35)
So terrible to find parking car in dataacript building...
Sarah Ayundah (01/01/2017 16:01)
FRNT XYZ (14/07/2016 02:56)
Eye clinic, good doctors & services. Too bad parking is difficult here.
Jo Adhie (01/08/2015 00:43)
Great Services and Clear action and Reccomendation to patients
desi lisna (01/04/2016 23:42)
Sangat nyaman tempatnya
Ceeley Richela (04/01/2016 02:08)
Diana Sari (19/07/2015 03:21)
pelayanan disini sudah modern sejak awal mendaftar tapi tidak tepat waktu. dokternya ngaret dan kurang kompeten mengobati penyakit mata saya sehingga saya harus ke dokter lain. ruang tunggu sangat nyaman dan bersih dengan sofa, snack, dan minuman. harganya mahal.