Komentar :
Admin Inspiro (20/04/2018 08:46)
I just had the worst Facial here, no steam, no massage, no scrub, it’s just like hell.... this is the first and the last experience ever... the Mbak just scrape all over my face using the steel extractor instead of extracting one place at a time, then forcefully pinching my face to extract it. NO EYE COVER AS WELL! Gila pokoknya ini temp at facial terparah seumur hidup, really not recommended, bukannya tambah bagus mukanya kayaknya tambah parah im serious..
msbelind91 (20/03/2018 15:17)
Muka jadi bersih stlh facial di sini.. Walaupun sakit tapi puas..
Denny Ms (12/02/2017 05:41)
Wiji Astuti (15/01/2017 09:35)
Kami harap ada klinik Eva Mulia di Rawamangun.
Dicky Muhamad (30/12/2016 04:53)
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