Komentar :
Rita Fauziah (27/08/2017 08:17)
Small but nice...
dhoni ahmad (27/07/2017 08:35)
Bobby Sumarkho (23/07/2017 08:56)
One of the oldest school in Jakarta. Most of the 1st and 2nd president's children studied here. I was an alumni here. I dont know about this school quality this day but surely it's kind of a historical school.
Ong Sujito (15/05/2017 09:11)
good school
Muhammad Abdillah (27/05/2016 23:45)
The junior high school, with highest experiences since 1941, known before as sekolah rakyat, I hope this place can be settled as education area by Jakarta government zonations.
RAZAN RBLX (13/04/2017 13:59)
Gw sekolah disini udh kls 4 sd
path rizk (05/03/2017 09:36)
Semoga selalu terus menjadi tempat mendidik anak anak yang berkualitas
M Najib Ashari (05/03/2017 00:56)
Nosven 17 hehe
Febri Ardhianto (13/12/2016 05:28)
dekat dari Transportasi Umum
ikra alwi (19/11/2016 02:17)
Bersih lingkungannya
Dimas Ananda (13/11/2016 02:58)
Sekolahnya bagus
farrel.candra Adrrie Wijaya (02/09/2016 14:55)
Untuk satu Yayasan PERGURUAN "CIKINI". Keren banget dah.
Jual Rak Toko (28/07/2016 17:25)
Sekolah Menengah Pertama Perguruan Cikini