Komentar :
Irfan Jan (03/04/2018 18:35)
hi can I register at this Boxing Club,actually I'm not nation Indonesian I am a immigrant petition, and also could we have Domestic and foreign Competitions?
vergian septiawan (03/11/2017 19:15)
B e s t!
one of the best mma dojo in jakarta, the trainer mostly have a BJJ and muaythai background, also athlete in mma world. really friendly trainer and a good place to train with.
Fanta Lokal (11/09/2017 10:35)
Saya suka tempat ini gimana caranya saya bisa latihan disitu.saya ingin menbuktikan kalau saya bisa ikut final MMA
Sebastian Aguilera (29/12/2015 11:38)
You can just drop any time until 9:00pm , excellent for people that want to train early or don't have a fix schedule. Great workout!
Psymon Peers (19/11/2015 07:24)
The best cardio work out in Jakarta, with great trainers.
sabar djatmiko (04/08/2017 23:18)
berapa ya biayanya ? selain pingin sehat juga buat bela diri, pertahanan diri.
Eva STK (09/05/2017 13:05)
Mantapppp keringetnya deh