Komentar :
ito narotomo (24/09/2020 04:16)
Plenty of kyt, agv, etc. Biggest size they have is xl and they don't accept pre orders since i was looking for xxl.
ayip ayip (17/04/2020 06:07)
Ink dynamic ready ngga om?
fedrix lie (16/02/2020 04:39)
If ur looking for big size xl its kinda hard to find here
siau fan jap (08/12/2019 15:39)
They sell a lot of choice of helmets
Joon Fat (20/11/2019 09:40)
Nice service
Ledz Q (12/08/2018 06:03)
Bought 3 helmets here (1 kyt, 2 mds brand for Rp1M only) offers affordable choices, display gallery is ok, the downside of this shop is they dont have air-conditioning. don't go during noontime.
puji tarwoko (01/04/2018 04:51)
Authorized helmet dealer of TaraKusumaIndah product (INK, KYT, MDS, BMC, AGV) but lack of size & colour
erwan putra (16/01/2018 09:24)
Good place to buy helmet, rain suit, and bag, available brand is AGV, SUOMY, KYT, INK, MDS and BMC, authorized dealer from PT. Tarakusuma Indonesia
chairul wid (27/12/2017 10:14)
The helmet can not be exchanged after purchased, employees are quite friendly and helpful, helmets choices quite a lot.
Michael Carstenz (12/02/2019 04:14)
Buy your helmets here.. there are Expensive helmets and budget oriented helmets. Half face helmet, full face helmets, even kids size helmets.
Jason Walker (03/02/2019 00:22)
Great selection of helmets, some really cool designs.
Flo Felino (04/02/2018 07:08)
A nice placed to find AGV helm with competitive price. Also they have a lot variant of helm such kyt, ink
Syibli Abu Aslan (10/10/2018 23:51)
Cari helm INK, KYT atau MDS disini aja... AGV jg ada kok..
Syibli Abu Rasyid (08/10/2018 07:32)
Nice place... Pelayanannya jg OK...
kimpi kimpi (07/10/2018 11:09)
Sebelum beli helm, di cek dulu teliti. Karena jika sudah beli dan ada kerusakan atau apa, TIDAK BISA DIKEMBALIKAN DAN SOLUSINYA. Dan kalau bisa beli yang di display, jangan minta baru. Anda bisa cari tau sendiri
LIST HARGA TIDAK DICANTUMKAN , mampu berindikasi mark up dari karyawan yang akan berbuat curang. Bukankah ada peraturannya? Apalagi pihak KYT sudah pernah sounding?!
PELAYANAN TIDAK RAMAH! BANYAK KOMPLEN! Kenapa? Ini adalah pertama kali saya mengunjungi JAKARTA HELMET GALLERY, sudah disuguhkan 3 orang komplen mengenai helm. Contohnya pihak karyawan yang cirinya WANITA GEMUK menerima telpon dari pelanggan yang baru saja baut di helm lepas setelah membeli di gerai JAKARTA HELMET GALLERY. Wanita itu responnya tidak profesional, malah menantang dan emosi seperti tidak pernah bekerja. Apakah dia salah satu pemilik gerai itu? Jika iya, yakin mau sukses? Jika tidak, boleh di diskusikan pemecatan? Maaf kasar.
Apakah saya pihak penjual helm lain yang mau menjatuhkan gerai JAKARTA HELMET GALLERY? TIDAK!
Untuk pemilik JAKARTA HELMET GALLERY, cek CCTV, rekam semua perbincangan telfon kantor anda dan buktikan sendiri bahwa saya tidak manipulasi.
Mohon kedepannya diperbaiki lagi sistem pelayanan dan kualitas. Terima kasih
Andreas Martin (01/05/2018 20:06)
Lots of helmet choice. But you ned to call if you're looking for XL size helmet...
Noviyanto Song (17/04/2018 08:12)
Saluran telp gak bisa di hubungi. Gak ada sosmed jd gmn cara cust mau sekedar nanya stok lalu baru jalan ke lokasi utk beli ???
Todo Sibuea (07/10/2017 08:37)
Apart from the lack of cool breeze, it offers a lot of variety of local and imported helmets. Price varies from 500K to millions.
Andy Sho (11/09/2017 05:41)
Lot of type of helmet but few of size stock.. and their open hours only 9 to 17.30 PM
Miles Noah (01/09/2017 03:36)
Good selection but no ac, and the service was terrible
Hendrik Ong (18/06/2017 16:09)
Great collection of helmets
abhishek verma (21/05/2017 03:11)
Wide variety and reasonable prices. Staff was extremely friendly and patient.
Yonathan Kurniawan (17/04/2017 20:16)
A lot of helmet choice from different brand with a reasonable price
Eko Budianto (28/03/2017 08:05)
Murah dan lengkap
Vincent Cornelis (07/03/2017 14:28)
Compareable helmet
Budhi Prasetyo (03/03/2017 06:39)
Tempatnya nyaman, pilihan helmnya banyak, merk ternama, pelayanan ramah. Tempat parkir luas. Lokasi strategis.
Fandhu Satya (04/02/2017 14:37)
You can browse helmets freely because all the helmets are displayed nicely, the staff is friendly and helpful. The room is quite hot and dusty, sadly.
chandra kurniawan (21/01/2017 12:40)
Best place for finding helmet ðŸ‘ðŸ‘
Gila Musik (13/12/2016 18:51)
Harga dan pelayanan baik
abdul choir (09/11/2016 05:13)
Helm helm nya bagus bagus dan sesuai dengan harga nya .
Ricky Santoni (31/07/2016 14:06)
Pilihannya banyak, item dengan merk ternama, kualitas oke, harga sesuai.
Fajar karunia (23/03/2016 06:49)
Nomor atau pin yg bisa buat sms atau chat berapa yaaa
Bob Fisczher (18/12/2015 01:34)
lengkap dan bersahabat